1 Annoying Blogging Strategy: Bog-Down-I-Tis

Attempting to read a post and publish a thoughtful comment on some blogs is like me trying to fly to Fiji……without the aid of a plane.

Imagine that. Me, flapping my firm, taught, but still very human arms like a baby bird in the nest, greedily elbowing out its chick brethren for the juiciest worm, served up my mama bird.

Yeah; that type of flapping.

Then picture me flapping my arms for like 13,000 miles. Across the US. To the North Pole, Back down, and around. To Bangkok. Then, imagine me flying 12 hours EAST, through Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, then Nadi, in Fiji.

Impossible. Until we are blessed with Jetson’s technology.

But it feels even more impossible when I come across an agitating, silly, blogging boo-boo on many blogs.

These bloggers mean well. They rock. Honest, But they allow a silly little thing to diminish the user experience on their blogs.

What is it?


These blogs are typically bogged down by dynamic ads, flashing frequently. In addition to a general presence of TMS: Too Much Stuff.

The presence of Too Much Stuff and dynamic ads SLOWS DOWN and BOGS DOWN these blogs. To the point where I cannot even leave a comment effectively, because all the heaviness leads to error comments, or comments made without me linking to my blog, or comments made where I couldn’t even pick my name, email address and blog URL from a form drop down because the blog was SOOOOO HEAVY with ads, widgets, dynamic advertisements, and so much stuff that it prevented effective, seamless, easy user interaction.

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Which is a bad thing.

Note; I see this error particularly on blogs in ad heavy niches. Travel bloggers seem to be the worst offenders in this area.

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