1 Freeing but Uncomfortable Tip to Become a Super Blogger

I filmed a short video in Opotiki, New Zealand a few hours ago.

This is a glorious spot with stunning background views.

Watch the video for 1 freeing but uncomfortable tip to become a rocking blogger:

Did you enjoy that scenery guys?

Stunning, eh?

I come across endless questions for how to drive blog traffic or how to increase blogging income. All well and good when folks advise struggling bloggers to guest post, to promote other bloggers, to solve problems from their niche and to comment genuinely on blogs.


But if you are burdened with fear you cannot see, seize and use good advice.

An infant cannot seize and use the keys to a Ferrari to make that Prancing Pony sing.

A blogger terrified of being criticized cannot seize and use an opportunity to guest post on Blogging Tips.

Like trying to convince a blind person to see, it cannot happen.

But if you face, embrace and release deeply-rooted fears fueling your blogging struggles you see and use inspired, helpful advice.

My Gig

2 years ago Zac Johnson invited me to guest post on Blogging Tips.

I feared receiving the invite initially. What if I accepted the invite but he didn’t like my blog posts? I’d look like an idiot and waste his time and my time. What if his readers hated my blog posts? He’d have to ask me to stop publishing posts here, which would embarrass me and shame him.

A roaring rapids of deep fears related to guest posting – including the fears of criticism and failure, and the time honored fear of wasting my time – arose in my mind, and the associated feelings arose in my being.

At this point, the old me would do as most bloggers do: I’d have trusted my fears, and turned down the opportunity. This is why the old me and most bloggers struggle like hell; they never face, feel and release deep fears related to blogging.

I felt the fears, took a deep breath, released the fears and accepted Zac’s gracious invitation.

500 plus guest posts later I’ve been able to serve his readers and get some sweet SEO juice too.

Search “blog coaching” on Google. My blog coaching page pops up on page 1. A potential client emailed me a few minutes ago.

Publishing helpful posts on an authority site like Blogging Tips helped me grow my blogging business through many income streams. All because I felt deep fears related to my struggles, released the fears and saw clearly, seizing rocking opportunities.

How it Works

New Zealand is the prettiest, cleanest place I’ve seen in person. Yet if I sat in a bedroom, closed the shades, wore glasses and tucked myself under the covers it’d be a dark, depressing place.

Feeling your deep blogging fears is like taking off the glasses, leaving the bed, opening the shades and walking outside into New Zealand and its other-worldly beauty, that you see in my video above.




After clearing deep fears you move into inspired action, listen to sound advice from pro bloggers, generously help people and learn blogging. Doing these things with a loving, generous energy accelerates your blogging success. Traffic, profits, comments and business grows over months to years because you cleared the fear and committed a fair chunk of your life to blogging.

Even as I appreciate these stunning views, I work. Little fear of missing out here because I know where your attention and energy goes, grows.

Your Turn

Do you face, feel and release deep blogging fears?

What tips can you share to help our blogging community succeed?

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