1 Key to Big Blogging Numbers That You May Resist

Big blogging numbers like:

  • big traffic
  • big income
  • big social shares
  • big plays
  • big views
  • big lists

grow out of generous service.

Generous service means:

  • helping people without looking for anything in return
  • using your time, talents and energy to benefit humanity
  • being pulled through uncomfortable feelings to give even more freely
  • being relatively detached in your giving

Master these concepts.

Big numbers arrive.

But know this; big numbers do not mean anything. Numbers are inanimate objects. Nothing doing. Literally. Big numbers cannot do anything. Human beings? Different story.

Independent of the big numbers fallacy, and of the fact that making 1 to 1, genuine bonds with humans leads to happiness and blogging success, embrace, own and hold this idea to succeed online: yearly time frames precede big blogging success.

I keep referring to Alonzo Pichardo on Sound Cloud because seeing 113,000 plays between 2 podcast episodes where we chat online success illustrates the idea of yearly time frames.

Yep; we just tacked on 13,000 more plays in a few days.

Not bad.

But our 2 decade’s worth of online experience including:

  • helping people and not focusing on getting paid, but on rendering generous service
  • assisting people without trying to squeeze anything out of them
  • building meaningful friendships with top entrepreneurs by helping them out

preceded the 113,000 plays.

If you see big numbers blogging-wise from happy entrepreneurs, you see year’s worth of generous service rendered. The big numbers are a reflection of big service.

Life Coaching Dynamo

Me and my wife Kelli have followed Rikka Zimmerman for a minute.

She is a dynamic, heart-centered, exuberant life coach who exudes love, inspiration, wisdom and guidance.

We estimate based on numbers – she don’t do income claims of course because numbers and money do not mean anything, really – that her group coaching calls yielded her $500,000 USD or more per call. She did these calls regularly as of a few years ago; I have not followed her work recently as my blog and business took off.

$500,000 USD per call is considered big numbers according to most bloggers and coaches. Especially when these coaching calls are easily yielding millions and millions of dollars because she did said calls frequently.

How did she do it?

Rika routinely explains how she over delivers, giving free information away again and again and again to help people.

She does not hold back. So when it comes time to get paid, the Universe – through clients and customers – do not hold back with her. Meaning she makes millions and millions and millions of dollars.

But Rika over delivered for years, being generous, acting abundantly, to begin making over $500,000 per these coaching call sessions.

Ditto for Gary Vaynerchuk. His followers routinely comment how he gives away millions of dollars of free information – stuff he could easily charge for – so naturally, he’s everywhere and he’s made millions. Gary explains how he did over 2,000 interviews (giving freely of his time, talent and wisdom over hundreds of hours) and how some interviews netted 3 views on YouTube.

This is the spirit of abundant, detached, generous giving that leads to monstrously large numbers, influence, clout and service.

If you want to be a successful blogger, give freely. Give little thought to getting. Give all of your thought to giving, over years.

Establish income streams through which you receive money for all of the generous giving, service and help you rendered over the years.

Happiness, big numbers and blogging success grow through years of service.


In the spirit of giving I am recording 3 Live videos daily between Facebook, Periscope and YouTube. Sometimes I just record a video and upload to YouTube.

Watch this video:

1 Tough But Freeing Blogging Lesson

Sometimes, to give freely you need to face, embrace and release fears associated with giving.

The video helps you through these unpleasant but necessary sessions so you can become a free giver.


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