1 Painful but Exciting Blogging Concept to Master

My email list growth seemingly slowed down recently.

But I have never been more well known online.

I also see my blogging profits steadily increasing.

Note; I am writing these words from Thailand where I will be on working holiday for 7 weeks.

Everything is working A-OK, thank you.

What gives?

Why the most exciting and maddening blogging concept to master of course:

Blogging is an energy game and has nothing to do with channels or even specific activities.

I know this sounds mad at first. But when you think about it, the idea makes total sense.

I know a hefty portion of 6 figure bloggers who have no email list. This disproves that you need an email list to make money through blogging.

I know people with huge email lists who struggle like hell. This disproves the idea that having a big email list makes you big money.

My list is not big at all. I live as cool a life as you will ever see from a blogger.

Again; I have lived for months or even years in places like Fiji, Bali, Thailand and Costa Rica over the prior 7 years.

I seem to be doing OK breaking the email list rule.

The Maddening Part

You may appear to be struggling but if your energy is awesome, meaning you’re following your fun, blogging with love, helping folks by creating valuable content, and promoting top bloggers without looking for anything in return, you’ll succeed wildly over the long haul.

The maddening part is trusting in your energy and sticking to the basics when nothing seems to be happening.

This is what Einstein meant when he noted how reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.

The outside appearances lag your energy. Or the results may show up months or years after you stick to the basics and inject your blogging work with a loving energy.

Even more interesting?

Becoming increasingly successful reveals how having fun and helping folks are the only 2 concepts that matter in blogging, Confusing concept, I know.

You see zero list growth but increasing profits. Maybe one day you see 1 email in your inbox. What the heck?

But then you realize the thousands of guest posts you wrote over the years drive your eBook and course profits as folks who dig your content buy through those channels.

I recall when my Blogging From Paradise podcast was new. I nabbed a handful of plays for each episode.

People who found me through that channel purchased a high volume of my eBooks.

Logically it makes no sense.

Energetically it makes perfect sense.

When you have fun and help folks, no human being in their right mind would say to self: “I will only buy this blogger’s eBooks through emails via their newsletter.”

You just buy it where you see it, whether via a podcast or guest post or email newsletter or on their blog or through social media.

People buy my stuff or hire me through 10 to 20 plus channels. Some channels net few views or visits, but who cares? Each person behind the page view or visit is a human being who cares not about stats, but the blogger who serves their needs. If the needs are served, they visit blogs, buy stuff, hire people or endorse people.

Simple as pie.

But few bloggers make it simple.

Most bloggers buy into the world of stats, illusions and limits, the world of the mind, where they believe someone only buys stuff if they get the stuff in email.

Any human being who wants something will buy it in 1 of a billion places.

Accept this idea to release the horse crap meme that “the money is in the list.”

The money is in your passion and service, wherever you offer that service from a passionate energy, online or offline.

Get excited guys!

Detach from outcomes.

No need to fear loss, or a lack of growth.

Have fun helping people through many online channels.

Promote other bloggers to build your friend network.

Be patient.

Success will find you through all directions.


The the Facebook Broadcast I did from Thailand:


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