1 Shift to Increase Your Blogging Profits that You May Not Want to Make

I noted a trend on a few blogging groups recently.

Some bloggers seemed to relish ganging up on folks who appeared to be cheap, flat out broke or bargain basement barterers.

But the tire kickers of the world do you a wonderful service.

They trigger the fear-based anger and annoyance you must clear to blog from love, fun and to rake in greater profits.

Love and flexibility are highly profitable energies.

Here’s why…..


If you want to see me gab with a princess themed background set-up watch this video:

Why this Works

If you get annoyed, agitated or angry at someone who appears to be a tire kicker, cheap or a bargain basement barter specialist, they simply triggered your fear of losing money. The fear has everything to do with you and nothing to do with the individual.

Accept this idea, embrace your fears concerning losing money and you will begin to make a shift that, although unpleasant, frees you from the heavy burden of loss, helps you blog from a place of love and compassion and allows in more money that you ever made.

Once you lose the fear-based emotions that seem to fight people with no money you vibe with the love-based emotions that allow in money, through profitable ideas, profitable circumstances, prospering people who buy your products and hire you and through a wide range of prospering situations, all of which boost your cash flow quickly.

Being non-resistant, loving and flexible is a huge profit builder.

Go From Fighter to Friend

Going from fighter to friend marks a big shift guaranteed to boost your blogging profits quickly.

You may not wish to make this shift – it feels more comfortable to be sarcastic, biting and angry when dealing with alleged tire kickers – but operating from the energy of compassion, love and flexibility makes you friendly, engaging, inviting, approachable and in the near and long term, you will make much more money being a friend versus being a fighter.

Think of it this way: if you let down your guard, open your heart and kindly find a halfway price for resonant clients you generate quick and usually future business versus being rigid, angry and dismissive of people. Short term and long term profits – and client referral business – beats fewer big ticket sales, and anger or annoyance, every single time.

I charge premium fixed rates for my blogging courses and eBooks but generously open things up for clients who resonate with my services.

I won’t necessarily accept a $5 sponsored post when my current day rate for a sponsored post is $500 but will gladly smile and release the non-match without any fear based anger, sarcasm or overall hate for an individual who simply did me a solid by triggering my fear of losing my money.

Clear Your Fear to Allow in Money

Clearing your fear-based anger, annoyance, sarcasm or resistance to folks who appear not to have money to hire you or spend on your stuff or who try to barter with you is the quickest, most powerful way to allow in money.

When I ceased fighting people I became grateful, open and most of all, flexible in all my dealings.

More work and money flowed my way when I did not fight people who didn’t seem to have money but instead either released them or saw the benefit in their offering and worked at reduced rates.

This sounds counter intuitive based on prior advice I’d offered on having posture to nail down higher rates and increased blogging income but I am steadily finding out how being flexible helps you generate even more blogging income.

Crazy, eh?

The power of love.

Or the power of harmony, openness, non-resistance and flexibility in dealing with folks who do genuinely want to work with you.

Be flexible.

Stop fighting.

Open up to increased blogging profits.

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