1 Tip for Blogging Full Time

Following one core tip lays the foundation for a full time blogging career.

Honoring this advice develops patience, persistence, a willingness to learn, a dedication to practicing and a full commitment to creating helpful content and building meaningful connections.

What is this tip?

Watch the video as I discuss:

Follow Your Passion

Most bloggers are way off.

Most bloggers believe going full time depends on some magical hack, technique or strategy.

A Blogging Silver Bullet.

Nope; no one hack will bring you enough success so you become a full time, professional blogger.

But following one tip diligently reaps tremendous rewards in the long haul.

Follow your passion.

Blog your fun.

What about the Other Factors?

You will need to buy a premium theme and procure the best web hosting for your blog.

Plug ins? Gotta have ’em.

But blogging success finds the passionate blogger because bloggers who have fun blogging are patient and persistent.

This is the foundation of building a rocking blog: being passionate about your niche.

Here’s why: by blogging mainly for fun you do the learning, the creating, the practicing, the connecting and the overall serving one must engage in to build a successful blog.

It takes months to years of daily practice to make money through your blog. You could be doing the right things with the right energy and not see a cent flow to your blog over the next 6 months. This is how it works sometimes.

Passionate bloggers do not panic, fret or ditch a fundamentally sound approach when money does not flow to them. Bloggers focused on external drivers – money, traffic, fame – panic and bail, quit or engage in low energy blogging tactics when the money does not appear to flow in.

If you are passionate about your blogging niche, the work is the reward. Everything else feels like extra, a bonus, or icing on the cake.

Free Giving Results in Easy Getting (over the Long Haul)

I recall watching four 7 figure bloggers share their thoughts at an affiliate conference. Virtually every blogger hadn’t earned a penny after blogging 1-3 times daily for 8 months to a year.

Imagine blogging 3 times daily on your blog for a year and not seeing any money flow through your blog? If you blog mainly because you are passionate about your niche, this will not be a problem. You are destined to become a full time income earning blogger. But if blogging 3 times daily for a year and not making a blogging cent would deflate you, anger you or depress you, guess what? You are not blogging with passion, mainly for fun, and until you shift your blogging intent you are doomed to struggle.

The Work Is the Reward

Take this attitude; “I love blogging about my chosen niche so the work is the reward. Traffic, list subscribers and profits feel like bonuses. No big deal.”

This energy will raise you and your blog to heights rarely seen in your blogging niche. People may wonder how you have the energy to give so freely. Folks will call you the best on earth at what you do. Everybody attached heavily to blogging outcomes may marvel at you, your success and the fact that you appear to be all over the place in your niche.

You just knew the secret to become a full time blogger; following your passion and blogging mainly for fun is the key to setting the foundation for a successful blogging career.

The learning, the studying, and writing practice and the creating and connecting daily for years gets easier and easier if you blog mainly for fun because the work is the reward.

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