1 Way To Sell More Stuff Through Your Blog That May Confuse You

How you see the world is how you see yourself.

How you see yourself is how you see the world.

Young Grasshopper, before this turns into a Zen lesson, or a dissertation from a Blogging Yoda, I want to share this HD video I just recorded. I explain the idea of how powering up your self image boosts your blogging sales.

Last week I visited Affiliate Summit East in NYC.

I watched icons like John Chow and Zac Johnson speak.

Zac even noted me in the audience and said “hello”, and we chatted for a minute after the seminar.

But 5 years ago I would have never attended the event. My self image was in the crapper. I would have felt uncomfortable being around so many successful bloggers. I also would have feared meeting or greeting these folks, feeling they were 50 levels up from me, and I was not worthy to even be in the same room as these guys.

But today, I speak a different story. Meaning the work I did to improve my self image allowed me to build a bond with Zac, to the point where I landed a guest posting gig here on Blogging Tips, and to where he sees me in the crowd and greets me out of the hundreds of attendants in the conference room.

This same self-image boost helped me:

  • sell more eBooks (at a higher price)
  • sell more courses (at a higher price)
  • land more clients (at a higher price)
  • place more sponsored posts (at a higher price)

I sell more stuff through my blog not because I am doing more stuff, or working harder, but because I am *being* the person who sells more stuff. I create persistently. I connect persistently. I attend in person events. I befriend big dawg bloggers. I generously serve folks across multiple platforms without attaching heavily to outcomes.

Raising my energy by boosting my self image was a lynch pin in creating my online success.

This may seem confusing to you, because you are being told to do more, to do certain things and to persist in doing, to boost your blogging sales. Yet when you do, for months, nothing seems to happen. Or maybe you avoid doing these things all together, because you fear doing these things. You fear doing these things and you surrender to the fear because you are not *being* the person who does these things.

Your energy is a bit too low.

Your self-image is likely really, really low.

I have 1 tip to share, to boost your self image.

Works like a charm for me.


By meditating daily, for 5 to 15 minutes – or a little bit longer – I became aware of destructive, negative, damaging beliefs I clung to, regarding my self-image and self-worth.

I had to feel and embrace these negative emotions to free myself of the limiting beliefs, so I could let go the energetic baggage and so I could power up my self-image.

Meditating helps you to become aware of your limiting beliefs. Once you feel and release these energies – like, “I am a nobody”, “Nobody cares about what I have to say, blogging-wise”, “Nobody will buy my product or service, anyway, so why bother writing or creating it?”, or any other limiting belief that pulls down your confidence, clarity and self-image.

When you feel, embrace and release these emotions you are free to gain confidence and clarity in yourself and your blogging message.

I began doing more videos, wrote eBooks, created online courses and started a podcast as I gradually powered up my self image.

I also generated a bunch more sales through my blog.

Your Turn

How are you improving your self image?

How has this increased your blogging sales?

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