10 Tips for Trimming Blogging Fat to Boost Online Profits

Trimming blogging fat is a simple way to boost blogging profits.

Letting go of unclear, not necessary, distracting widgets, posts or pages helps you get clear on your blog.

If you get clear you align yourself with profitable ideas, prospering partnerships and all manner of profit-building experiences.

As I release my new eBook:

How to Trim Blogging Fat to Boost Online Profits

I want to share 10 tips for stripping your blog to help you make money online.

1: Blog to Free Yourself

Blog to free yourself. Blog to have fun.

Choose a fun, freeing driver to get clear on your blogging direction.

Clarity boosts profits. But a lack of clarity – due to picking a dominant money driver for your blog – leads to financial struggles.

2: Blog to Free Your Audience

Blog to inspire your readers to take action.

I blog to have fun but also intend to inspire my readers to solve their blogging problems and to live their dreams through blogging. This core, connecting factor bridges the gap between your passion and the problems or dreams of your readers.

3: Blog 1 Passion for 1 Clear Reader

Stay on topic. Strip all topics not aligned with your 1 core topic. I blog about blogging tips. I will post on that topic all the time. If I flub up and stray into a different niche I delete the post to avoid confusing my 1 clear reader, who only wants blogging tips.

4: Align Your Blog Top Down to Boost Conversions

Speak a single message through your blog design.

Align your blog top down to tell your readers the 1 thing you can do to help them. Release all elements not in alignment with that 1 core message.

I help readers retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging. All I do on Blogging From Paradise screams that message, so readers clearly see how I can help them. No confusion means higher conversions and increased blogging profits.

5: 3 Calls – Tops – on Your Sidebar

Limit calls to action on your sidebar. Aim for 3. This forces you to get clear.

Ask readers to join your email list, to buy your product and maybe to grab an eBook. Let all other calls go.

In time, after profits flow in consistently, add calls as you see fit. For now trim down to gain clarity and to prime the blogging profits producing pump.

6: Go Nuts with White Space

Go bonkers with blogging white space. White space is your best friend in the blog design game because ample white space makes your content and advertisements pop out.

Adding white also forces you to release extraneous elements from your blog; a biggie in the trimming process.

7: Do 1 Thing Really Really Really Well

Do 1 thing well. Be known as a specialist, not a generalist.

Strip all activities not 100% aligned with the 1 thing you do well. Be on purpose. Become an authority in 1 area. Let all else go.

8: Sell a Dream First; Sell a Product Second

Sell the biggest of dreams to inspire your readers into action. Dreams move folks into action. Quickly. Products or services provide a specific benefit yet the dream energy inspires readers to become customers, not the less inspired products or services.

I love offering coaching services and courses but there are no delusions here; people buy in to live their wildest dreams, not just to hire me as a coach, not just to buy an online blogging course I created.

9: Remove 5 to 10 to 30 Elements from Your Blog

Let go the IP address locator widget on yoursidebar and other non essential elements from your blog.

Delete off topic blog posts and pages. Release the old and worn out. Make room for the new, fresh and exciting.

10: I Am Sorry to Share this Tip (Quiet Room)

This one feels tough. But it is necessary.

Trimming blogging fat involves serious introspection. No better way to get lost in thinking than by spending 1 hour in a quiet room.

Think of what needs to go. Leave a few core elements. Your mind will fight you like a heavyweight champion. Ride out ego whining. Sit in silence. Listen to your intuition over your ego whimpering and complaining.

Your Turn

What blogging tips can you add to this list?


Watch as I list the fat-trimming tips here:

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