2 Tips for Moving Higher in Blogging Circles Quickly

Moving up in blogging circles opens you up to prospering opportunities.

You can expect traffic surges, increased profits and an overall expanded online presence when you make friends with successful bloggers.

But you need to know how to network with blogging big dawgs to move up in blogging circles.

Follow these 2 tips to hobnob with the blogging big dawgs of the world.

1: Be Compassionate with Successful Bloggers

Being compassionate with successful bloggers is as important as being compassionate with failing bloggers.

Of course, you always hear advice being directed toward the latter group of bloggers, not the former.

Being compassionate doesn’t just mean feeling someone’s pain or fears; this quality also means putting yourself in someone’s shoes.

Successful, professional bloggers are incredibly busy people. I just count myself as an established, pro blogger and here I am writing this guest post at 9:30 PM on a Friday evening to prepare the post for a Saturday publish date.

Being a pro means meeting hundreds or even thousands of people daily through social media, forums and email.

If you want to move up in blogging circles you have to compassionately put yourself in a successful blogger’s shoes. This means not sending a follow up email 10 minutes or even 1 day after your initial email to a successful blogger because doing so would be pestering busy bloggers.

If a successful, established, well-known blogger responds to your round up question with a 3 sentence answer, be grateful for the answer. Do not email back asking for a 3 paragraph long, in-depth answer.

When you are compassionate, you will move up in blogging circles because you will act like a successful blogger and befriend many of these rocking folks. Successes are attracted to like-minded bloggers, even if you have yet to see the financial success of these blogging big dawgs.

Most struggling bloggers totally kill their chances at befriending top bloggers and moving up in circles because they allow their fears and overall lack of compassion to manifest as neediness, as rudeness or as a lack of gratitude when dealing with top bloggers.

Those bloggers who compassionately put themselves in a top blogger’s shoes understands how busy they are and gratefully either wait for a response or understand how the blogger may not respond at all due to the high volume of their work.

2: Embrace Your Fears

Embrace your fears. Your fears are the only reasons why you have not moved up in blogging circles.

Although you will not necessarily feel all of your fears – nobody is technically fearless – you can do a fabulous job sitting with your limiting beliefs. Doing so helps you feel, embrace, experience and dissolve the very fears that hold you back.

Example; at one time I had an intense fear of guest posting. I was terrified to write and submit guest posts to top blogs for fear of rejection, fear of criticism and fear of wasting my time if the guest post was not accepted.

I had to face, feel and embrace the fear fully – however unpleasant it felt – to move forward, to write and to submit guest posts.

Appearing on this blog regularly has helped me move up in blogging circles quickly since Blogging Tips is a trusted blogging resource and also ranks well on Google for multiple keywords related to blogging.

Even after I effectively faced this fear I felt a bit nervous when this site’s owner Zac Johnson asked me to guest post here. I was a bit anxious because I was not sure I was good enough to publish content on this well known blogging resource.

I felt the fear around guest posting here, submitted my first few guesties and I never looked back.

375 guest posts later I am happy that I faced, embraced and dissolved this fear. I moved up in circles and expanded my success by feeling the fear and doing it anyway.


Watch this video as I discuss these 2 factors for moving up in blogging circles.

I decided to shoot this longer form video during a night walk through town.

This explains why it looks like the Blair Witch Project.

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