3 Secrets to Writing 126 eBooks

Folks ask me quite a bit how I wrote and self-published 126 eBooks.

Many sentient beings have no idea how I did it. Or so they say.

Today I want to share 3 of my secrets to writing and self-publishing 126 eBooks.

Why Publish eBooks?

Boost your authority.

Have fun helping your blog readers.

Establish a passive income stream.

Take advantage of the ease of self-publishing through Amazon KDP.


Watch as I discuss.

If you prefer seeing me gab about the topic.

eBook Specs

Before we dive into the secrets I want to lay out the eBook specifications to give you an idea of what we are working with:

  • most of the 126 eBooks are 6,000 words in length, a handful are 12,000 to 15,000 words in length
  • I cover blogging tips, travel, digital nomad, eBook writing (1 of my eBook writing eBooks for you) and inspirational topics
  • the eBooks are jam-packed with simple, practical tips as well as energy/mindset tips

Let’s dive in.

1: Look Up and Around; Not Down

I did not have a phone when I went on my eBook writing tear, writing and self-publishing one eBook daily for 90 days in a row while I lived in Bali.

This is one of my secrets to being prolific.

When most bloggers are looking down at their cell phones they miss out of life, and its stories, and the analogies they could draw between their niche and these stories.

Develop your powers of observation. Flex your imagination muscles. Interact with human beings. See people in action. Watch stories develop.

Put down the phone. Turn your phone off for a set number of hours daily. If you are not in the emergency services field, you do not need to be tied to your phone.

You will have few problems writing a high number of eBooks if you get good at observing the world around you because ideas will flow to you as easily as water flows downhill.

2: Write 1000 Words Daily for Practice

Write 1000 words daily in a Word document for practice. Trash the Word document after you hit your desired word count.

Following this practice helps you become a clear, confident writer. Clear, confident writers become prolific authors.

Practice your writing daily. Never take a day off. Develop the habit of being prolific.

Last week my wife Kelli and I watched Jerry Seinfeld doing stand up in New York City. This was a rare treat which we enjoyed.

I learned a while back that he became a wildly successful comic by writing every single day.

Tap into Jerry Seinfeld’s productivity secret. Don’t break the chain.

3: Inspiration Not Perspiration

Despite your best efforts, if you try to self publish over 100 eBooks – or even 50 – through hard work alone you will fail.

The mind is limited, because by definition, mind is a box, finite, bound. When you work hard, you run into resistance, writer’s block, frustration and failure.

Move from your head to your heart. Allow inspiration to guide you. Allow your heart to lead the way.

I was in the flow every day for 3 months straight because I wrote eBooks mainly to have fun and to help people. I did not try like heck to write daily because forces negates. I did not strain and strive to write the eBooks.

I followed my intuition. I picked topics that resonated with me and that vibed with my readers.

Passion will pull you to places that perspiration could never visit.

Hard work is for water buffalo and other beasts of the field.

As a self-published author, being persistently passionate fuels a wildly prolific, fun, prospering, loving journey.

Operate from an energy of inspiration and passion, not perspiration and force.

Dissolve writer’s block. Churn out eBooks like hot cakes.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

How have you become a prolific, self-published blogger?

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