3 Steps to Address Blogging Crickets

Blogging crickets.

You hate them, right?

You know exactly what I am talking about.

After you work long and hard on your blog for weeks, you see no email opt ins.

No sales.

Little traffic.

No comments.

Nothing you do appears to be working.

At this point, most bloggers either quit blogging completely or go into a blogging shell, reeling, and hiding away in a blogging cyber cave for weeks or months.

Of course, when they come back to blogging they just wasted months, adding a hefty chunk to their learning curve.

I want to help you turn the blogging crickets into NYC’s Time Square during the holiday season.

I just visited Time Square last week. I assure you that once you allow in this type of traffic and business you will never see the silent, cricket-type behavior through your blogging campaign again.


Watch the quick video as I explain this concept:

1: Be Present with the Fear

Be present with the fear of loss.

Seeing crickets means you are focusing on what you don’t have versus what you do have.

This is a natural tendency in most bloggers. You may have a difficult time expressing gratitude for all that you have.

Be gentle with yourself.

Simply feel the fear, the loss, the lack and limitation, the frustrations and struggles of appearing to blog for a chorus of crickets.

Feel the appearance of wasted time. Feel it all.

Clearing these unpleasant emotions is the quickest way to follow steps #2 and #3 so you can build a successful blog on a rock solid foundation.

2: Help Bloggers

Help bloggers.

Get so busy with giving that you largely forget about getting.

Giving freely moves you into a higher, loving, fun vibe. You will feel good even if you quickly note the appearances of nothing seeming to happen.

I get so busy giving daily that I have little time to check my getting. Naturally, the getting of traffic and comments and profitable ideas and money and opportunities gets easier and easier because when you give freely, the receiving happens more effortlessly.

Promote other bloggers via social media and your blog.

Promote other bloggers via interviews.

Write 1000 words daily in a Word document, just for practice, to gain confidence and clarity in your writing.

Publish 1 blog post weekly to your blog.

Publish 1 guest post weekly on blogs from your niche.

Write in-depth, thorough blog comments on top blogs from your niche every day.

Make your blogging day about giving. Getting will happen – traffic, profits, etc – and even if the getting seems to be slightly delayed, you will not be stirred, being so focused on giving generously.

3: Promote Products and Services Persistently

One of my promotions saw 8,000 plus page views before someone bought it.

Did I let that bother me? No.

300 plus banks turned down the founder of Starbucks when he asked for a business loan.

Does Starbucks seem like a bad, or unsound business idea, now? I see one on every corner of NYC it seems.

If people do not buy your stuff, hire you, comment on your blog or email you questions it is no reflection as to your worthiness, your generous service or to anything other than the fact you are getting clearer on your intent.

Keep promoting.

Folks will buy in. Literally.

Folks will hire you.

Keep sharing your products and services.

The sales will come, as surely as the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

How do you deal with blogging crickets?

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