3 Words to Help You Make a Connected Blogger

Help Without Asking.

These 3 words will help you become a super connected blogger.

Give freely.

Receive easily.

You will attract a huge network of loyal, loving friends when you give freely of your blogging knowledge across a wide range of platforms.

Some want to know the secret of being connected.

Look at the featured image for this post.

I have answered 2,179 questions on Quora. Those answers netted 145,000 views on my answers.

The numbers are just a reflection of my generosity. My generosity is just me loving to help, and not caring much about outcomes.

This is just one network but it sums up my main blogging intent:

Help Without Asking.

Why it Works

People who help a lot of people make a lot of friends.

Simple, right?

People who generously help people and don’t look for anything in return find it easy to get connected.

When you look out for others, other people look out for you.

At its essence, this is about the most powerful and simple concept for a blogger to follow. But fear goads bloggers into thinking inward, which causes them to think only about themselves and their needs, which leads to struggle and blogging failure.

I know talented, energetic bloggers who struggle to reach the next level because they hold back, greedily refusing to share their insights because they only want to share if they will get something out of the ordeal.

This is how a blogging loser thinks. I do not use the term in an insulting manner; far from it. By “blogging loser” I mean bloggers who predominantly do things from a fear of loss. Meaning, bloggers who refuse to help other folks generously because they fear wasting/losing time or losing money or losing opportunities.

Meanwhile, the bloggers who have faced, embraced and released the fear of loss simply give freely and rocket to the top of their blogging niche.

Removes Conditions

Helping without asking removes conditions from your giving.

Instead of poring over what you are getting – traffic, profits, sales, clients – you release on conditions and give for the joy of giving.

As you give freely you appear to be all over the place and that omni-present illusion inspires people to see you as a connected, influential blogger. In addition, you back up the illusion with a large, supportive friend network, all of these bloggers and readers getting to know you through the generosity you offered via your largely detached, ample service.

Cut those strings.

Be generous.

Be Generous

Be generous.

I recently answered my 1000th question for the blogging category alone on Quora.

Could I ever answer 1000 questions in a single category if I stopped to see how much traffic or profits or email subscribers I attracted through the platform? No way. You cannot obsess over getting and be generous. You cannot obsess over your return on investment and become a connected, popular blogger because folks tend to avoid selfish bloggers.

On the flip side of things, people love generous bloggers. Generous bloggers get referral traffic and help and clients and customers because giving freely is attractive to success.

Help. Without asking anything of the people you help. Doing this regularly attracts all types of success to you because as you give freely, you receive easily.

Rinse, Wash, Repeat

Any time you are new to a network or marketing channel you may ask “What is in it for me?”

Catch yourself. Take a deep breath. Ask yourself how you can help without asking.

Make that shift and do it regularly. You may need to rinse, wash and repeat a few hundred times before this generous, giving energy bleeds through your being. Goodness knows it took me a minute to go from Getterto Giver but the shift has been well worth it.

Keep true to being generous. Meet people. Help people. Stop looking solely out for yourself. Stop obsessing over your return on investment.

Be abundant. Help people.

Help without asking.

Your Turn

Do you embody this attitude?

Has helping without asking made you a successful blogger?


Watch the video as I discuss this concept.

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