30 Top Content Marketing Experts That Will Make You Smarter

Top Content Marketing ExpertsCleveland here I come –
for Content Marketing World 2018!

It’s my seventh conference and I’ve got the orange to prove it. (Literal hat tip: Joe Pulizzi)

For me, Content Marketing World is not just another marketing conference.

Rather Content Marketing World is truly a community that attracts top content marketing experts from around the world who all bring their A-game to share, learn and have fun. (BTW, I’m presenting The Secret 3 Steps To Content Amplification and Distribution on Thursday, September 6th at 2:35pm in Room 1. Please join me!)

So, why would I add another crowd pleaser list of top content marketing experts and influencers?

Although unscientific in that it’s not based on an influencer computer algorithm, this list of 30 Top Content Marketing Experts is hand curated.

Further, as an important element of content marketing, content curation requires a human touch and editorial insights. According to earlier Curata research, about 25% of your content should be curated.

So get to know these 30 Top Content Marketing Experts who will be presenting at Content Marketing World this week.


30 Top Content Marketing Experts

Here’s my hand-curated list of the 30 Top Content Marketing Experts presenting at Content Marketing World this year.

I compiled this list is based on my deep content marketing experience and knowledge. As a result, some of you may call it unscienfitic.

Instead, I consider this list to be true content marketing because it’s grounded in human editorial voice of content curation that highlight other perspectives.

Jay Acunzo

Jay brings his A-game to everything he does. Host of Unthinkable, Jay was last year’s CMWorld keynote speaker.

Jay Baer

When I first met Jay, he gave me one of his legendary bottle opener business cards. Watching Jay’s star take off like a spaceship has been an amazing journey. I’m a fan of his book, Youtility and looking forward to his new book, Talk Triggers.

Michael Brenner

With a career spanning global corporations (SAP) to start ups (NewsCred), Michael has proven B2B content marketing chops. Check out his Marketing Insider Group blog. And, if you see him, congratulate him on his new gig as CMO of Concurred.

Dorie Clark

In addition to teaching at Duke, Dorie excels at reinvention, something all of us could use during these dynamic times. Read her books, Reinventing You and Entrepreneurial You.

Ian Cleary

As an Irishman, you can always get Ian to have a few brews. Known as the marketing tools guy he’s the mastermind behind RazorSocial and OutreachPlus.

Andy Crestodina

Andy is one of the nicest people in marketing in the world. Even better, Andy’s truly generous with his knowledge and time. Get the latest edition of Content Chemistry to get the low-down on how content marketing really works. If you’re in Chicago, check out his Wine and Web events as well as the Content Jam Conference.

Andrew Davis

Drew is one really bright marketer. His background in television comes through when you see him present from the stage. Follow Drew on social media since he’s also incredibly generous with his advice.

Melanie Deziel

As a trained journalist, Melanie learned about native advertising at the New York Times where she created branded content for Orange Is The New Black.

Pam Didner

Author of Global Content Marketing and Effective Sales Enablement, Pam is the go-to expert on global content marketing. Don’t let her size fool you—she’s one smart marketer!

Allen Gannett

Allen is the ubersmart brains behind Track Maven. To support his recent book launch for The Creative Curve, Allen built a following of 1,000,000+ on LinkedIn using video.

Don’t worry you’ll be able to spot Allen since he’s often the best dressed person in the room.

Ann Handley

Words can’t express how wonderful and generous Ann is. Her book, Everybody Writes can teach you the basics of content marketing and really good writing. Sign up for her newsletter, Total ANNARCHY, to get a regular dose of her carefully crafted prose. BTW, Ann is the force behind MarketingProfs B2B Forum. Another amazing marketing conference.

AJ Huisman

AJ hails from a small town in the Netherlands but his English doesn’t give him away. He transforms professional businesses by tapping into the power of content marketing.

John Janstch

As one of the long time bloggers, John focuses on helping small business consultants. Despite how the digital marketing industry changes, John continues to stay on the leading edge.

Mitch Joel

Hailing from Montreal, one of my favorite cities (after New York of course!), Mitch is one of those quietly understated marketers. Author of Ctrl Alt Delete and Six Pixels of Separation, Mitch still blogs every day and has an old-fashioned radio show (Yes—it still exists!)

Doug Kessler

Doug’s agency, Velocity Partners, won CMI’s Agency of the Year in 2016. Doug always has a new twist on conventional marketing that makes even the most experienced marketer think twice.

Jesper Larsen

I met Jesper and his team in 2014 when he invited me to present in Copenhagen. There I had the opportunity to share the stage with Jay Baer and Marcus Sheridan. Catch Jesper’s presentation on Native Advertising.

Jason Miller

Content marketer by day and rock photographer by night, Jason continues to up his content marketing game. In addition to being author of Welcome to the Funnel, Jason is short-listed for 2018 Content Marketer of the Year! (I’ve got my fingers crossed for him!)

Scott Monty

You can always spot Scott by his bow tie and suit! If you’re not already a reader, sign up for Scott’s always useful podcast, The Full Monty, Scott’s hand curated newsletter. It’s well worth your reading time.  (His favorite curation tool: Flipboard.)

Garrett Moon

Far from both Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley (aka: NYC) Garrett has built one of the best content marketing tools in Fargo, North Dakota. Additionally, he authored The 10X Marketing Formula.

Lee Odden

I met Lee back in 2006 at a conference in San Francisco where we were discussing RSS. (Does anyone remember what that stands for?) Lee blogged prolifically even back then. If you want to see where marketing is headed, Lee and his Top Rank team have you covered.

Chris Penn

Chris is a quietly understated expert. Despite being a marketer, Chris is incredibly tech savvy. Chris compiles The Almost Timely News, a weekly newsletter that’s worth your time. Additionally, Chris answers marketing questions in his video column: You Ask, I Answer.

Cassio Politi

Cassio exudes Brazilian friendliness. I was touched when he presented me with a special pair of Content Marketing World flip-flops in 2014. Catch his CMWorld presentation on Online Events.

Joe Pulizzi

No Content Marketing list would be complete without mentioning Joe, the godfather of content marketing. I appreciate that Joe listed my Actionable Marketing Blog on his first Junta 42 list of Top Content Marketing Blogs. Joe has continued trailblazing with his books, Epic Content Marketing and Content Inc. (My favorites!)

Paul Roetzer

In addition to founding the 2020 PR agency, Paul founded The Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute. Author of The Marketing Agency Blueprint and The Marketing Performance Blueprint, Paul continues to improve the agency business and show the rest of us how to use technology to improve our marketing.

Jeffrey Rohrs

Currently CMO of Year and honorary New Yorker, Jeff has been at the center of top marketing tech firms for years. He’s also author of Audience.

Robert Rose

While retaining his LA cool, Robert keeps the ever-changing content marketing strategy on course for success at CMI. In addition to his books, check out his weekly email newsletters. They’re well worth your time.

Stephan Spencer

Co-author of The Art Of SEO, Stephan is a long time search expert. I first met Stephan back when I was writing my ClickZ column.

Tamsen Webster

In addition to her marketing smarts, Tamsen is go-to person for many top marketing keynoters. Tamsen was the curator of TEDxCambridge.

Tom Webster

Tom brings a wealth of knowledge to his work based on his work at Edison Research. Catch his podcast with Mark Schaefer. (Yes-he’s married to Tamsen!)


MIA But Attending In Spirit

The following content marketers have presented at #CMWorld in the past but will be in Cleveland only in spirit. Their marketing smarts and keen insights will be sorely missed.

Ardath Albee

Author of Digital Relevance, Ardath is one of the quietly wise women of Content Marketing.

Gini Dietrich

Author of Spin Sucks, Gini is the mastermind behind the Spin Sucks blog. If you want a lesson in how to maintain a blog over time with the 5 Types of Content, read it regularly.

Rebecca Lieb

No content marketing event is complete without Rebecca who has a career stuffed with content-related experience. Author of Content – The Atomic Particle of Marketing and Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher, Rebecca is known for the Thanksgiving Turkey Approach To Content. Namely, you cook a big bird for the holiday to have leftovers.

Mark Schaefer

Author of The Content Code and Known, Mark has consistently blogged at Business Grow. He’ll be sorely missed at Content Marketing World. Read his blog to get a full dose of Mark’s astute marketing insights.

Marcus Sheridan

Marcus headlined my first Content Marketing World event in Columbus, Ohio where he talked about the “Secret Sauce” to content marketing, namely, They Ask, You Answer.

Content Marketing Institute Team

While I can’t say this about a lot of conferences, the Content Marketing Institute team makes Content Marketing World consistently go without a hitch and get better every year.
(Okay, I also love Social Media Marketing World and MarketingProfs B2B Forum.)

Jonathan Crossfield

From downunder, Jonathan edits CMI’s Chief Content Officer magazine. I had the pleasure of meeting Jonathan at a global CMWorld dinner in 2016.

Lisa Doughtery

Lisa manages the CMI blog with amazing grace. I love working with her.

Jodi Harris

Jodi heads up CMI’s content curation efforts masterfully. I worked with Jodi when she ran the CMS blog.

Joe Kalinowski

Joe drives the creative efforts at CMI. As a result, every CMI blog post has a unique image to make it stand out.

Andrea Larick

Andrea does an amazing job of keeping the conference speakers on course to create an amazing event without breaking a sweat! She works very hard to earn her kudos.

Michele Linn

Former CMI Editor-In-Chief Michele is quietly understated. I met Michele when I first wrote for Content Marketing Institute blog in the early days. These days she and former CMI alum Clare McDermott run Mantis Research.

Cathy McPhilips

Cathy has done an amazing job growing the audience and presence of Content Marketing Institute and its related properties.

Pam Pulizzi

Pam is one of the best organizational people I’ve ever met. When I first met Pam, I didn’t know that she was Joe’s wife. So I volunteered to put in a good word for her. (Okay—it was a prime foot-in-mouth moment.)

Stephanie Stahl

Stephanie has inherited Joe Pulizzi’s very orange shoes at Content Marketing Institute and she’s doing an amazing job!

Amber Subtler

Amber handles the behind the scenes PR and other duties. She’s one of the most professional in-house PR professionals I know.

Monina Wagner

Mo is the force behind CMI’s social media presence. She keeps the engagement high across platforms. The #CMWorld TwitterChat on Tuesdays at noon (east coast time) is always insightful and useful.


The 30 Top Content Marketing Experts Conclusion

If you don’t have a list of smarties that you’d like to connect with, create your own Top Content Marketing Influencers list. Never leave for a conference without checking the speaker list first.

Of course, don’t get fooled! Don’t underrate other attendees. Sometimes well-known influencers show up as attendees. That’s how I met Jeff Bullas at Social Media Marketing World 2017.

Fill your Twitter feed with these 30 Top Content Marketing Influencers. Also follow the Content Marketing World hashtag (#CMWorld) during the conference and beyond to get the latest content marketing goodness.

If you’re attending Content Marketing World, pleas come over and say “Hi”.

Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen


P.S. Please note that some of the links to events and books are affiliates links. Thanks in advance for your support.

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