4 Effective Ways for Businesses to Tell Stories on Social Media

4 Effective Ways for Businesses to Tell Stories on Social Media

4 Effective Ways for Businesses to Tell Stories on Social Media

Marketing is all about telling stories. In fact, the best marketing material doesn’t often feel “promotional.” Modern consumers are sophisticated, and they prefer to engage with blogs, ads, and social-media posts that resonate with them on an emotional or intellectual level. But how can you tell an entire story through social-media marketing? And what’s the best way to present your message across different platforms? Here, we’ll answer those questions and provide your marketing team with four effective ways to create compelling content for social media:

Integrate Short Videos

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a short video might be worth a million. In all seriousness though, modern marketers can’t afford to ignore how effective brief videos prove in regard to digital conversions and engagement. What’s more, “snackable” content can actually contain quite a lot of information –– when edited appropriately.

Tease the Bigger Picture

Typically, marketers don’t use social-media platforms directly to host their branded content. Rather, they’ll post a link to a blog post or web page and write a short “teaser” message on social media. It’s worth noting here that some social-media channels like Twitter still impose a character maximum for individual posts. As such, hitting a few highlights or explaining why your post is important in a sentence or two can lead interested parties to your site for the rest of your content.

Highlight the Extraordinary

Sometimes a story is simply so compelling, a character so memorable, or an event so noteworthy, that businesses can afford to write lengthy social-media posts about them. If something amazing has happened at your operation, then don’t hesitate to share it on social media. Posting a long-form Facebook status or Instagram caption might feel strange at first, but consumers are willing to engage with lengthy content –– given it delivers on its promise. Note, the longer your post is, the more enthralling its content needs to be.

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Break it Up

Whether you’re writing a report on a new line of 384-well plates, or a series of blogs on the dietary benefits of egg-whites, breaking content up on social media is a savvy way to draw in a wide array of readers. By segmenting your work into smaller pieces, you can attract different consumers based on different elements of the “marketing story” you’re trying to tell.

Final Thoughts

If you want your business to develop exciting stories that strike a chord with your target audiences, then you need to give your marketing team the time and resources they need to complete the project. Quality content takes time, and business owners will sometimes have to be patient with their marketing department. The good news is, the payoff is often more than worth the wait!

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