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4 Signs You Are Spreading Your Blogging Self Way Too Thin

Last night I slept for 2 hours.

Combine some insomnia with a cup of coffee consumed a wee bit late in the afternoon and my recently adopted intense exercise regimen.

But I am careful to observe if I am spreading myself too thin, blogging-wise.

In the past I spotted a number of red flags when I:

  • took on too much blogging work
  • said “yes” to too many partnerships
  • worked too late
  • got up too early to work

I usually get 8-10 hours of sleep a night. I guarantee that even if I do not pass out the minute my head hits the pillow I will no doubt get my 8-10 hours tonight, after a 2 hour nap today and that exhausted, run down feeling I have now.

I do take on quite a bit of work but I developed the awareness to stop when I spread myself too thin.

Are you struggling with your blog traffic or profits?

Maybe you are spreading yourself too thin.

Keep an eye out for these glaring red flags to change course if you’re working too hard.

1: You Obsess Over The Numbers Game

If I find myself temporarily focusing too much on any metric or profit numbers I pull back.

No doubt; I have spread myself too thin when focused too much on blogging outcomes.

If you are working too hard you fear running out of money or traffic. Do not allow that fear to run you ragged. Let it go. Blog more for the fun of blogging. Let go the heavy financial drivers.

2: You Sleep Poorly

This is one seemingly non-blogging tip that has more to do with blogging than you think.

For pro bloggers like myself, sleeping terribly for a few nights in a row often indicates I am spreading myself too thin. I am trying to do too much, for too many people.

Even if I accept 5 to 10 to 20 guest posts requests in 1-2 days I gradually spread out the writing and placing of these posts over the course of a week.

If you suffer from insomnia or simply go to bed too late and wake too early, pull back on your blogging activities. You are working too hard. Take a deep breath. Relax. Stop spreading yourself too thin. Hand off some blogging duties. Let go some blogging tasks that you have outgrown.

3: You Overbook Your Schedule

I take on quite a bit of work but also know my limits.

Yes; I do test my limits, but also know when to pull back, relax and say “no” to opportunities. Even if said opportunities look promising.

The old me could not help myself. I agreed to virtually all opportunities which flowed my way. I eventually burned out like a moth which got too close to the flame.

Just. Say. No. Gobble up opportunities that feel amazing. But don’t overeat.

4: No Passive Income Streams

I just popped in to my email inbox. I noted 6 payments from Amazon. Each payment corresponds to Amazon from various countries. Sweet.

Because I built passive income streams through my eBooks, audio books and courses, as well as through my affiliate Associates stream, I am able to rest, relax and rarely spread myself too thin.

Rethink your strategy if you rely solely upon active income streams like blog consulting or freelance writing. If your blogging income depends solely on your actions and presence in front of a laptop you are treading into dangerous waters.

Your Turn

How are you avoiding the mistake of spreading yourself too thin, blogging-wise?

What red flags can you add to this list?

Do you feel burned out now with your blog?

Or do you have a tough time spotting blogging burnout?

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