4 Things I Learned As A New Hire At A PPC Agency

Six months ago, I embarked on a journey. I became The New Kid at Hanapin Marketing, and in the time that I’ve been here I’ve learned more than I could have imagined about the beautiful world of PPC advertising. Along the way, I found that a few key lessons could get me through the chaos of PPC account management and production work. When I made a list of the things I’ve learned in my time at Hanapin, I realized that everything I learned fell into four broad takeaways on success in the PPC industry.

  1. There is a LOT to learn…and there always will be!

    PPC is an ever-changing industry. Fortunately, Hanapin understands the value of investing in 11 weeks of comprehensive training for all of its employees. Yet for everything you learn, there is always a new change around the corner. Whether it be a platform feature change, User Interface update, or a trending data analysis tool, there are ceaseless opportunities to learn and keep learning. Bookmarking information resources like PPC blogs and participating in twitter chats (#ppcchat is my favorite) is how I manage to stay up-to-date.

  2. Organization is Key

    There are countless platforms and interfaces in the PPC world, and it is a difficult world to keep tabs on if you don’t have a clear path to organization and a time management plan. As a production associate, I have tasks that range from daily maintenance (like bid optimizations) to monthly, larger initiatives. One of the most helpful ways to keep track of my work and get it done in a time-efficient manner has been time blocking. In time blocking, you plan out the work you want to get done for every hour of your day. Time blocking gives you a grasp on how much time you’re dedicating to any particular task, and it lets you give yourself a break rather than getting lost in the work. Which leads me to…

  3. Don’t Get Lost in the Data

    In PPC production work, there is a ton of data to sift through and on which you have to make decisions. What can be difficult about this is the cold, hard fact that the data doesn’t always give you a clear-cut answer to drive those decisions. With multiple metrics, it’s easy to forget about your overall goals and KPIs. Early on, I found myself saying “yes, but…!” to the account managers I support, because the data would be telling two very different stories depending on how you looked at it. The easiest way to avoid this is to take a step back, breathe, and remember the big picture. Your client (or your boss) has a broader goal, here, which is the beauty of a defined and agreed upon KPI in PPC-land.

  4. Your Coworkers are Your Lifeline

    Lastly, the greatest thing I learned at Hanapin is that I could never be grateful enough for such a supportive work environment. PPC and account management can certainly be stressful! When things get tough, I have people who have been exactly where I am and who have my back. From Day 1, my coworkers have let me know that they are there for me to lean on whenever I have questions or concerns about any of my work. Pooling resources and sharing knowledge are two of the greatest attributes of the team at Hanapin, and there is never a shortage of peers willing to help a member of the Hana-family in need.

Agency life is a lot of hard work, but it is rewarding to see the results of that work as accounts thrive and goals are met. When in doubt, I go back to these four lessons I’ve learned at Hanapin, and I see how fortunate I am to be a member of a team of PPC experts who provide value for our clients and take care of each other. Whether you’re at an agency yourself, part of an in-house team, or flying solo in PPC-land, I hope you find PPC Hero to be as great a resource as I’ve found the Hanapin team on my journey.

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