4 Ways to Drive Blog Traffic Now

Even seasoned bloggers slam into mental blocks about how to drive traffic to their blogs.

Sometimes a little refresher sparks a bit of creativity in your brain box, goading you to explore these channels further.

Explore these 4 methods to drive blog traffic now.

1: Write and Self Publish eBooks on Amazon

Did this throw you off a little bit?

Good. Off the beaten path traffic driving methods yield fantastic results over the long haul.

This is a free, proven method for driving traffic to your blog via a global community. Amazon has its tendrils all over the world, from Japan, to Australia, to the United States.

I wrote a post here to help you write and self publish a successful eBook on Amazon.

2: Broadcast Live Videos


Periscope; through Twitter.


Seems every network is moving towards a live broadcast platform these days.

Live video drives traffic through the art of authentic engagement. People connect a face with a blogger name and tend to buy into your blog quickly compared to folks who do a poor job showing their face.

3: Guest Posting

Guest posting on top blogs from your niche opens a world of opportunities for you in terms of driving blog traffic.

Take my guest posting gig on Blogging Tips. I have 543 pieces of content floating around the Blogging Tips niche courtesy of the 543 guest posts I wrote and published on this rocking blog. Imagine 543 pieces of content found through Google, Facebook, Twitter or other channels? That is a ton of potential blog traffic my friends.

But forget the number of posts for now. Focus on the size of the readership on Blogging Tips. A large, loyal community of readers soaks up these posts, visits my blog through these guesties and promotes my guest posts through social media and through their blogs too. This means more blog traffic.

Toss in the hundreds of guest posts I wrote and published on top blogs in my niche and you’ve quite a solid, steady stream of blog traffic earned through effective guest posting.

Guest post on blogs related to your niche. Speak to interested readers. Aim for top blogs. No sense going super low profile.

As for the legwork, practice writing daily in a Word document; gain clarity and confidence in your writing voice. Promote top bloggers without asking for anything in return. Comment genuinely on top blogs. Build friendships with pros, improve your writing skills and guest posting opportunities will flow your way.

4: Genuine Blog Commenting

I wrote an entire ebook on how to do blog commenting right:

How to Leave Attention Grabbing Blog Comments

If I wrote a whole eBook on the topic you have yourself an effective, powerful, free way to drive traffic to your blog.

Genuine blog commenting rocks because few barriers exist to writing and publishing a thoughtful comment on a top blog; even if you are a newbie. This is a good deal for new or struggling bloggers who want to make an impact without having to move up in blogging circles, which of course takes time.

Write a 3-4 paragraph, personalized, authentic blog comment. Show off your knowledge on the topic. I enjoy fleshing out a single point through a few paragraphs, creating a mini guest post in some cases to make a powerful impact.

Some readers or bloggers may click on your name linked to your blog for a quick traffic increase. But effective blog commenting is about building strong friendships with top bloggers. Focus on bonding through blog comments. The myriad benefits flowing from genuine blogging friendships, from co-promoting to business partnerships, is well worth sharing your thoughts for free in authentic fashion.

What tips can you add to this list?

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