4 Ways to Grow Your Brand Loyalty and Following through Twitter

Twitter… it was one of the first social networks to really go mainstream. With hundreds of millions of users on their platform, it’s still one of the best sources for world breaking news, sharing website content and information, while also growing a blog, brand or business in the process. The problem for Twitter today, is that they seem to have a growth issue and broken business model. However, the same can’t be said for all of the users on their site. Twitter is still one of the best ways to reach millions of users across the world and engage with them in the process.

Today we are going to look at a few examples of how top entrepreneurs and brands are using Twitter to improve how they look online, reach new audiences and grow their brand following in the process.

Taking Advantage of Trending Topics

World events, hot topics, and big conferences are always trending on Twitter. A great way to take advantage of this massive free exposure is to provide quality content, should you have something of value to say or actually attending the event itself. As you can see in the example below, Yoli Chisholm looks to be attending the Techinclusion event (which was trending on Twitter), and as a result of using the hashtag with it, her tweet went semi-viral and had an additional 100+ retweets to go along with it. Free exposure and branding at its best… and it’s happening every second on Twitter!

Sharing Your Best Content, PR, and Interviews

Twitter is great for sharing information that can influence and relate to others because of how easy they make it for using hashtags and tag/reference other users on the platform. A perfect example of this can be seen on the social profile of Sam Ovens, where he shares an update on his latest interview with AndrewWarner. Not only does he get to share the content with his own audience, he’s also likely to get retweeted and seen by both Andrew Warner and the Mixergy audience in the process. This is simply a good reminder to not always make Twitter be a one-way conversation. Try to connect with others and share the wealth.

Responding to Questions and Talking Points

An excellent way to get more out of Twitter, while also providing value, is to simply engage with your audience. This is something that is so powerful, yet so many brands are doing it wrong. Teachable has been doing a good job with this through their tweets, as they are not only responding to others, they are also providing solutions in the process. This all goes back to the basics of Twitter, which was to be an engagement platform and not just a way to continuously shoot out content and be a one-way conversion.

Setup a Twitter Chat with Multiple Experts

It’s not one of the most common methods used on Twitter, but when done correctly, Twitter Chats can work quite well. For the most part, they are mainly short interviews or conversations with a brand, group or experts within an industry. In addition to the communication between the two parties, other Twitter members can join in on the conversation too, by simply asking questions. Twitter Chats are usually scheduled out in advance to help gain exposure and build up a larger audience to attend an event. You can see an example of a recent Twitter Chat below with Black Bloggers Connect.

Twitter is Still a Go-To Social Platform

Even with Facebook still seen as the king of social media and mobile usage on the rise (fueling platforms like Snapchat and Instagram), Twitter is still one of the top places to create content, engage with an audience and even automate the scheduling of your content promotion. If you aren’t currently using Twitter to your advantage, there is still a massive audience out there just waiting to hear from you. Skim through each of the examples above and see how you can be providing better content and value to your followers, while also increasing brand loyalty in the process.

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