5 Pages that You Need to Improve on Your Blog NOW

5 Pages that You Need to Improve on Your Blog NOW

When you create your blog,  the pages your blog can’t do without ironically contain the most unremarkable content.

Your about page contains two sentences about yourself.

Your opt-in form or sign-up page offers the blandest and most gen

eric message possible: “Sign up and get for free!”


In today’s blogging world, being generic just won’t cut it. Attempting to stand out is the difference between a blog with a rabid following and high conversion rate and one that isn’t. Therefore, here are some of the pages you need to revamp on your blog immediately.

1. Landing Page

Building a landing page is a sure way to draw and convert your visitors into leads. It’s a single independent page that is designed to drive conversions. Conversions can be anywhere from getting a click to getting a sale. But you don’t build one just for the sake of having one. Here are what makes a landing page a great one:

Clear Call to Action

This button should demand an action right away. You may have used Sign Up, Buy Now, or Learn More, just make sure that you make it as short and precise as possible. Furthermore, do not distract your visitors with any other requests other than your CTA.

Convincing Headline

When people already landed on your page, your headline must make them convince to do whatever your call to action is. There is only a split second of attention they will give your page, so make the most out of it.

Neat Visuals

Don’t try to do that tricky GIF images that are used to distract people’s attention. Sure they can be effective, but remember that you don’t have to do that because people are already sitting on your site.

What you need are relevant and neat visuals, great color combination, plus a good typography that will make people click your CTA.

Social Proof

So people have already scrolled your site almost at the end but are still not sure of you. This is bad news. It means you haven’t gained their trust yet. Social proof can be testimonials from your previous clients or even feedbacks from your co-bloggers so make sure to attach them to your landing page.

2. About Page

The About page of your doesn’t just mean the generic vision and mission statements. Think of it as the getting-to-know page of your blog. It’s where you’ll tell them who you are and why you’re doing what you are doing.

When you have great things to share on your blog, share it.

When you break a milestone, write it down.

However, since you are writing it for the general masses, avoid jargon and just use easy to understand texts.

Remember, your About page is all about you and your blog. Set a tone and personality to it because this is how your visitors are going to view you as a person and as a business.


Potential customers do want to know who you are and here are the essentials that you must include on your About page:

Your Credentials

List down all the credentials that your blog have. The awards you’ve won, your affiliations, and even the people you have worked with. At the end of the day, what you want is to show something for people to trust you better.

Photos of You and Your Team

When someone visits your site and clicks on your About page, then they want to get to know you well. Including shots of yourself and your team with short descriptions about who you are is another personal touch you can add so people can get a better grasp of who they are going to be dealing with.

How to Connect with You More

Share where you are most active at, whether it’s social media profiles or a forum. You may not expect it, but there will be people who you’ve gained influence to who wants to see more of you somewhere else. Don’t miss the chance of building better relationships with your audience.

3. List Building Page

Building an email list is still one of the best things you can do to grow your site. To do so, you’ll need a good email client like ActiveCampaign.

Once you’ve gotten the hang of your email client service, it’s time to create your list building page. It’s where people will voluntarily input and give their email address to you. But, it’s not like a candy that they give away for free.

To get people’s email address, you must first give something precious to them. It could be an e-book, a guide, or a huge discount. To get something, you must give something first.

4. Contact Page

Having a contact page is more important than you think. For example, you’ve written something very cool, and someone wants to offer a great opportunity then found out that they have no way to contact you. You have then just lost something that could’ve been a life changer. Maybe.

Contact pages represent a willingness to build better relationships, but it doesn’t just mean that you put your email address out there. Build a smart and functional one.

Create and integrate contact forms to your page. They are great because some people don’t want to go into opening another tab, open their email client, create a new message, input your email address, write the message, then hit send. It’s a long process that could be made simpler. And don’t forget to customize the confirmation message when they hit send.

5. Resource page

The resource page is simply a page where you list helpful links regarding an individual subject.

Keep in mind that your resource page should be helpful not something you will sell from.

If you have a ‘never seen before’ content, resource pages could pretty much be how you’ll promote that certain post. Mostly, recent posts are the ones that get the exposure while your old posts get buried and forgotten.

In creating a resource page, you can put all the topics at once or segregate your content into different pages. Don’t create too many pages as your visitors may get overwhelmed with too many choices and come back at a later time or not at all.


Adding better navigation inside your blog, letting them contact and know you better, and giving them something valuable may be some of the basic things a blog should NOT have.

But take note that every small change on your site may not always turn out great. Sometimes, you’ll have to tweak now and then to see if they work well.

Last, we hope that this post gave you an idea of the pages you should include on your blog. You better add them up now if you haven’t already.

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