5 Reasons Why We Are Wired to Respond to Visual Marketing

We always hear that visuals are a key component in our social media marketing strategy, but why?

The real reason is…science.

People are wired to process and respond to visuals much faster than words. In fact, our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Research shows that we retain only 10 to 20% of the information we read, but as soon as that information is paired with an image, our information retention skyrockets up to 65%. 

It’s no wonder the primarily-visual social networks such as Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, and even YouTube have won over the world. And especially in today’s era of content overload, the majority of people on social media want to consume information quickly and without the hassle of reading extensive text to get to the final point.

To better understand the power of visual marketing, check out this infographic by iScribblers, outline the five scientific reasons people are wired to respond best to your visual content.

5 Reasons Why We Are Wired to Respond to Visual Marketing

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