5 Things Pro Bloggers Do Consistently

Seeing the number of visitors to your blog increase over time can be a thrilling experience. Who wouldn’t get excited knowing there are people who are actually reading your content?

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But blogging is more than just a platform for spreading your ideas. In fact, you can also use it to increase brand awareness and rake in more sales for your business!

So you’re probably wondering – if my blog is generating traffic, then why aren’t they becoming my clients?

Let me put it this way:

Traffic =/= sales!

There are lots of factors why your visitors aren’t converting into sales anytime soon. But instead of focusing on why they aren’t converting, it’s better to discuss how to turn them into customers!

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to turn your blog readers into revenue. Here are the best ones to get you started:

Build highly targeted landing pages

One of the most effective ways to convert visitors into customers is to build landing pages.

A landing page is a page on your website where people “land” from a specific traffic stream like an email campaign or a Google ad.

Because these visitors are targeted and the landing page has a single focus, it’s much easier to convert visitors into leads.

In 2017, Moz earned $1 million dollars in new subscribers with just one landing page. After optimizing their landing page and boosting email promotion, their subscribers doubled in number. Not only that, Moz was able to keep their subscription rates. It’s because their landing page offered what their target market wanted and needed!

So how do you make your landing page work hard for you? It should have the following vital elements:

  • Compelling offer – Whatever your industry or niche, the best way to win visitors over is with a compelling proposition. You should always strive to answer the question, “What’s in it for them (visitors)?” If you don’t think your offer is something that would improve your target’s audience’s quality of life, then you need to go back to the drawing board.
  • A strong call to action – When visitors land on your site, think of what exactly it is that you want them to do. Do you want them to fill out a lead generation form or do you want them to use a coupon in their next purchase? Your call to action should be easy to follow and straight to the point.
  • Complete and concise information about the offer – Since you want to convert your visitors fast, make sure to keep your landing page short and simple. According to experts, long landing pages and complicated sign-up forms will hurt your conversion rate.

Utilize social proof

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people support services or buy products just because someone famous is using it.

When a teenage girl buys an expensive lip gloss that her favorite celebrity is endorsing, that’s social proof in action.

Kylie Jenner and her Kylie cosmetic line is probably the best example of an influencer using the power of social proof to her full advantage.

Even though her matte lip kits are not exactly cheap, people from all over the world are still buying it. She broke sales when the first kits were released in 2016, and she’s still earning a steady income from it to this day.

Psychological triggers can have a significant impact on your visitors’ buying behavior. if you want to get higher conversion rates, it’s crucial that you understand why they do the things they do, and what you can do to get them to support your brand.

Once you land a targeted lead, you need to focus on closing the deal. Account-based marketing tools, for example, can help you organize your data and get your brand in front of prospects who are likely to buy from you.

Leverage the limited-time offer

limited offer

Since we’re on the subject of consumer psychology, did you know that people are wired to buy products that are on limited offer? Why? Because nothing convinces people to buy like a deadline.

You see, there are two types of offers you can feature to your audience:

Open-ended offers give people a sense of security that they can go back for the product or service any time they want.

Limited-time offers, on the other hand, creates a sense of urgency that makes people generally uncomfortable. If they don’t buy it or sign up for it now, then there’s that chance they might never have it. People usually don’t like feeling that they can’t have something.

This is the reason why flash sales are very useful for e-commerce websites. During 2017’s Black Friday Cyber Monday sale, Shopify merchants saw $1 billion dollars in Gross Merchandise Value worldwide because people didn’t want to pass up a good deal. You can use the same principle for your blog. Give your visitors a limited-time offer, and watch your conversion rates soar.

You can apply this concept to your blog’s landing page. If there’s an upcoming holiday, you can run a campaign where people can purchase your premium content at discounted prices. Mention that it’s a limited-time offer and the deal expires soon.

You can then set up a countdown timer to help inform people of the time left for them to make a decision.


Managing a blog requires valuable resources like time, energy, and money. Since you’re already putting in that much work, you might as well ensure that your efforts pay off by converting visitors into customers. And the tips above should help you get a better sense on how to achieve that.

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