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5 Ways To Keep Blogging When You Don’t Feel Like Blogging

Even though I am excited to blog most days, sometimes, I am human.

I just don’t feel like blogging.

This may surprise you if you have seen me in seemingly 10,000 places at once but I too feel less than enthused about blogging sometimes.

I have learned from top bloggers that showing up when you don’t feel like working is the difference maker in this blogging game.

Follow these 5 tips to blog when you don’t feel like it.

1: Gain Knowledge From Pros

Established, pro bloggers give you the insight, knowledge and know how to boost your confidence during tough times.

I regularly visit blogs like Pro Blogger to learn from the best how to navigate the ups and downs of this blogging game.

Pros also help you set up your blogging day to be a persistent, consistent blogger.

Example: this article on WHSR reveals how to boost your efficiency:

How Super Bloggers Work: Getting Efficient with a Blog Schedule

You may not be efficient. But if you learn how to be efficient from a pro blogger you can streamline your campaign and better persist when you are feeling less than energized.

2: Revisit Your Reason Why

I love being free. I love circling the globe. I love helping my readers retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging.

On a day like today, when I am as busy as a bee prepping for a road trip I could cop out on my blogging work, resting on my laurels, and coasting for a bit. I do not particularly feel like blogging because I have 100 else things to do but here I am, writing and publishing this guest post because I routinely choose my freedom over my fears.

Why are you blogging? Tie that reason to something fun and freeing. Develop the habit of being persistent. Even when you don’t feel like blogging.

3: Dive Into A Blogging Fear

I know I will be working to about 11 PM tonight due to my travel preparation. But years ago I would have been terrified to put in such long hours. I would fear having back problems, vision problems, getting sick, and a litany of other strong fears if I worked deep into the night.

By diving into my blogging fears regularly I both develop a fearlessness and the habit of diving into big fears, both of which help me persist through thick and thin.

Shake things up a bit. Make things interesting. No way will blogging feel dull or boring when you write and submit your first guest post or create your first product.

4: Count All Of Your Victories

When I feel my energy flagging – which is rare – I often count my blogging victories to keep on blogging.

I may look at my blog sidebar to see my neat features. Appearing on Fox News, Virgin, Forbes and Entrepreneur among other places goads me on during lulls. Because even though I may not feel like blogging I know I am on the right path and that my success will continue to expand if I persist.

Remember your first blog visitor. Recall the first blog post you published. Remember the first dollar you earned through blogging. Build on each win to develop the habit of being persistent.

5: Outsource It

If you don’t feel like blogging because you are bogged down with dull tasks consider hiring a virtual assistant to handle your dirty work.

Peep this post by Bren Pace to see what you should outsource:

5 Daily Tasks You Can Outsource to a Virtual Assistant

Video Help

I filmed this HD video in Bali to help you do freeing but uncomfortable stuff so you can be a persistent blogging machine:

Your Turn

How do you persist with your blog? Even when you do not feel like blogging? How are you being pulled through blogging lulls? What tips can you add to this list?

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