7 Blogging Lessons Learned from Colorful Street Walkers in Bangkok Thailand

I have seen the world a little bit.

I often tie my travel experiences into blogging lessons.

One experience involved me being stalked and chased by 2 street walkers in Bangkok.

As I release my latest Blogging From Paradise eBook I want to help you build a successful blog through these lessons.

If you’d rather watch me chat about the lessons via video just click the play link below:

1: Don’t Chase

Don’t chase prospects. Don’t chase readers. What you chase flees because fears repels readers and money and success.

The Thai lady boys chased me out of the hood. I took off as soon as the duo headed my way. Whatever you chase, flees.

Create value. Build friendships. Help people. Do not run after anybody or anything. Allow success to flow to you by being valuable and attractive.

2: Window Dressing Counts

Window dressing counts. Presentation plays a role in building a successful blog.

These lady boys played the part of streetwalker through their attire. Although I had seen a few from their set wearing pajamas – I am not kidding – these 2 looked as you would expect them to look.

How does your blog look? Do you have a premium or bespoke theme? Is your blog clear and clean? Convey a professional, branded image. Presentation counts.

3: Being Authentic Will Make People Take Notice

These 2 were dyed in the wool lady boys of the night. No beating around the bush. From how they handled themselves to their overall vibe, the 2 were authentic through and through because they were not trying to be anybody else, but them.

Ditto for your blogging exploits, folks.

Be you.

Be authentic.

How are you offline? What is your true personality like? Allow that energy to bleed through your blog and brand. You will stand out from the crowd of blogging sheeple who just wants to follow each other when you are authentic and genuine in all you do online.

I love when I meet blogging buddies offline who said I was just like they’d envisioned me to be after reading my posts for years. No deviation between the blogging and offline you means you are being authentic.

4: Target Your Readers

Target your readers.

I basically had a bulls eye on my face the moment I walked by the lady boys; I was a farang aka foreigner wandering around a tourist spot at 6 AM. Definitely a potential client.

Target your readers. Stay on topic, pepper niche specific keywords throughout your posts and guest post and blog comment on blogs related to your niche.

5: Hang in the Right Spots

I ran into the street walking duo in a classic spot; by Khao San Road in Bangkok at 6 AM. Naturally, they were waiting to pick off drunk farang intent on getting a little bit of action after the night’s drunk, by hanging in the right spot.

You should hang in the right spots online to connect with your readers. I can be spied on Quora, Facebook Groups and Google Plus Communities where bloggers craving blogging tips hang out. Hang in the right spots to connect with your ideal readers.

6: Speak with Conviction to Be Heard

The duo yelled at me; each beckoned in a way about as subtle as heart failure.

I heard them. Loud and clear.

Blog with conviction, clarity and confidence to be heard in your niche. Do not be meek. Be bold. Speak your mind. Readers want clear bloggers to inspire them and to lead them.

7: You Can Write a Blog Post about ANYTHING

If I can write a 6000 word eBook on this topic – how 2 Thai street walker lady boys taught me 7 blogging lessons – I do not want to hear the writer’s block excuse. You can literally write a blog post or even eBook about anything.

Write 1000 words daily for practice. Trash the Word document after you are done with your writing practice. This helps you become prolific and also stokes your imaginative juices.

Your Turn

What blogging lessons have you learned recently?

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