8 Tweet Ideas for Twitter’s 280 Character Limit

Twitter’s 280 character limit has now been rolled out to everyone. In this post I’ll give you a few tweet ideas on how you can use the new update for your brand or business.

Personally, I really liked the 140 character limit, and after being in this industry for some time, I’d gotten good at chopping down long-form text to fit the platform’s restrictions. I loved the challenge, and I also think it’s been a big part of the appeal of Twitter – you know you’re logging on to short thoughts and not long rants.

I’d rather have an edit tweet option than more characters (who’s with me??), but with that said, this isn’t a terrible update, since it can be really hard to fit everything you need into 140 characters.

Here are eight ideas on how you can use Twitter’s new 280 character limit to advantage.

1. More Room To Tell Your Story

The first advantage of Twitter’s 280 character limit expansion is that you have more room to tell your story.

Before, it was a little more difficult to really tell a story on Twitter, and although you don’t have have that many more characters, you can now add a little more context (and complete thoughts and sentences) where you couldn’t before.

2. Multiple Links In Tweets

More characters mean more links.

Now that you have 280 characters, you can include more links within your tweets – I used this format in a sort of “In case you missed it” tweet and included links to two of my top social media tips of this year. 

3. Round Ups

You can also now develop more robust round-up tweets on Twitter.

Create round-up tweets to tag your favorite influencers, or share the best articles in your industry for the week or month. This type of tweet is great for giving followers some value-added tweets.

4. List Posts

Aside from round-ups the new character limit can give you more opportunities for creating list posts.

List posts are really popular, because they give readers a lot of info in one place. Share a list of your favorite tools, a short how-to, quick tips, or products you use most.

In this example, I’ve use the list format to tease and drive traffic to my ‘8 Things You Can Learn From The Best Instagram Accounts‘ blog post.

5. Vertical Tweets

The new character limit also gives you the ability to create longer vertical tweets.

This may seem useless, but longer tweets will visually take up more room in feeds – which is good for you but can be annoying to readers. Play with spacing and different ways to fill the extra room, and get more attention to your tweets. Just don’t do it too often.

6. Longer Quotes

Have you ever tried to share a quote and then before you know it you’re out of room? There goes tagging the influncer you’d intended to link to.

With 280 characters, you now have more than enough room to share longer tweets and tag the person who said it. Tagging the creator of the quote can help gain the attention of the person, which, in-turn, can help you gain more visibility for your account.

7. Ask Longer Questions

Engagement is key for growth, and now you can ask more robust questions from your audience to build more engagement and interaction on your accounts.

8. Add More Context To Quote Tweets

Part of creating a well-rounded Twitter presence is retweeting others. With Quote Tweets, Twitter gave us an opportunity to add our own thoughts to retweets, which is a great opportunity to tell your followers why you found this info important (and why they should check it out too).

With more Tweet characters, you’ll be able to add even more thought and personality to your Quote Tweets, further building relationships and interaction with your followers.

Whether you love or hate the new Twitter 280 character limit, it’s best to learn to use it to your advantage – and keep an open mind to new possibilities.

This post was first published on Dhariana Lozano’s blog.

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