8 Website Marketing Strategies to Start Implementing

A marketer’s work is never done, especially when it comes to marketing a website.

There are many steps to take once you’ve finished the website building stage, and at some point, you’ll start thinking of how you’re going to market your website to potential visitors and customers.

You may be unsure which direction to go, but chances are you’ll want to implement these eight strategies as soon as your website goes live – or even before. Let’s break down exactly how to go about getting your website out into the world for people to enjoy.

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You can have the most amazing website in the world, with crystal clear graphics and a fast load time, but that doesn’t mean anything if no one knows about it. Make sure your website is seen by the public with these eight strategies.

1. Write original content

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times. Content is King. Your website needs to offer free and original content that brings in visitors and ranks well, while also setting you apart from the competition. Whether you choose to start a blog or contribute to a guest blog, it’s a great way to get traffic to your website and increase name recognition of your business and its brand.

If you choose to guest blog, include a link to your website, either in the copy or in your biography at the end of the post, to ensure to draw in visitors from a new source.

2. Share updates on social media

Gone are the days where social media is just for your friends to show off pictures of their vacation or their newborn baby. There are over 3 billion people using social media, and that number grows each year. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to convert those people into your customers.

Whether you’re posting on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, or LinkedIn, or a combination of all of them, posting great content is a great way to build your community. Remember that your audience on Twitter is going to be different than LinkedIn, so your advertisements and posts should reflect that difference. And of course, don’t forget about including hashtags.

Did you know? 78 percent of businesses have dedicated teams for managing their social media.

If you haven’t already, ensure that your website clearly displays social media icons on the navigation bar so your visitors can easily find you on all platforms.

3. Take advantage of email marketing

One of the best ways you can reach your customers is through email marketing. It’s important that you take this form of marketing seriously, as there are a lot of moving parts to consider.

For instance, don’t count out the power of a good subject line. In fact, 35 percent of recipients open emails based on the subject line. Your email newsletter strategies need to set you apart from the rest so your customers not only open the email you’re sending, but then also engage further by clicking through to your website.

Make your content something that stands out, make your CTAs prominent and easy to click on, and your tone urgent (but not too urgent). These emails should be as personalized as possible and offer valuable promotions. If you need some help sending out the perfect message to your customers, invest in the right email marketing software to help you step up your email game.

4. Utilize SEO

Keeping SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in mind as you market your website is an absolute must if you want your website to rank on Google. Unlike SEM (Search Engine Marketing), utilizing SEO is free, making it an opportunity you can’t pass up.

Related: Learn more about the difference between SEO and SEM and why they’re both important to your marketing strategy.

There are a lot of factors that go into SEO, from keywords to alt tags, page speed and responsiveness, headings and meta descriptions, no element should be overlooked.

5. Invest in PPC Ads

PPC ads (pay per click) are when you use internet advertising to bring in traffic to your website from search engines, like Google. Essentially, you pay a fixed price for every click your ad gets on the search engine results page, with a goal of the click converting.

If you choose to use Google AdWords, there is no spending requirement, so you can set your price to as little as $5 a month or as grand as $5,000 a month. No matter your budget, make conversion and receiving the best ROI as possible at the forefront of your PPC goals.. Your ad, the offer, and the landing page the ad leads to must all work towards the same goal – converting customers.

Consider the keywords and keyword phrases that a user would search, target those within your ads, and then the search engine will help get your ad in front of your target market.

6. Create a Google My Business page

If your business isn’t taking advantage of sharing its information on a free Google My Business page, now is the time to do so.

This is where your customers can not only find a link to your website, but also your business’ address, phone number, hours, Google reviews, and more. You should also be registering on Google’s business directory for even more visibility on the search results page.

7. Cohesive branding

Your brand, the color scheme, and the type of logo are all ways that people recognize your company. Invest in some time (and money) to work on making your brand easy to recognize and eye-catching enough to grab anyone’s attention.

Think of ways you can better incorporate these elements of your brand. Maybe you can revamp email signatures or create a banner to use on social media. Regardless, make sure your branding is the same no matter if a user is viewing your website on desktop, mobile, or on a social media platform.

8. Word of mouth

When you’re looking for a new nail salon or barber, you ask your friends or people you trust. Or maybe an online resource to discover the best rated and highest reviewed option. Don’t forget about these sources that drive traffic to your website.

Build these connections and relationships, whether it be face-to-face or through social media, as a way to gain positive reviews and recommendations.

Get your name out there

Whether your business just launched or you’re already a household name, finding success online starts with understanding marketing strategies for your website.

When you’re done mapping out these strategies, check out the website analytics to measure for success and which website KPIs you should be tracking.

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