Building an Authority Site in the Alps1

90 Days to Build a $9K/pm Authority Site from Scratch

Building an Authority Site

When one adventure ends a new one begins…

120 days ago I quit my job in Beijing
20 days ago I left China
7 days ago I moved to a hideout in France
Today I begin a 90 day adventure to build a 9K+ per month authority site

Build a $9K+ Per Month Authority Site in 90 Days

Over the next 90 days you’re invited to join my adventure to build a brand new authority site from scratch that’ll hopefully earn $9K+ per month.

I’ll be breaking down the entire process on, as I build a new authority site from scratch and after the 90 days are up (on 13 January 2014) I’ll reveal exactly how much profit it’s making per month! Pretty cool right?

From beginning to end you’ll be able to look over my shoulder and learn my strategies for:

  • Choosing a niche and carefully planning your attack
  • Building a SEO juiced up WordPress site primed for conversions
  • Creating and promoting viral content that sucks in traffic and drives income
  • Getting powerful links from competitors and high PR sites
  • Converting tons of visitors into wallet out buyers

When you sign up to the adventure you’ll not only receive updates from the blog, but also get behind the scenes access and my full attention to any questions you have about building your own authority site.

So if you want to learn how you CAN make a highly profitable site in just 3 months, sign up for updates to “Build a $9K/pm Authority Site in 90 Days”.

I’ll be building the site from a hideout in the middle of nowhere in the French Alps. If you’re intrigued to find out what’s led me there, continue reading…


I did everything I was supposed to do.

I aced my High School exams, got accepted to a good University, graduated with a Degree in Mandarin and hopped on a plane to begin a career in the country everyone is talking about – China.

I went to work for an international trading company selling steel.

After almost 1 year of working at the company I became restless. The methods we used to get new business were inefficient and needed a serious overhaul.

I convinced my boss to let me do something about it and made them a fresh website that attracted hundreds of enquiries on drip feed.

For the first time ever customers were chasing us rather than us chasing them and we were pulling in new business. I then made the company two more websites to drive enquiries to their laminate flooring side of the business.

Making these websites allowed me to really experiment with how the internet works and sparked my love for SEO.

By early 2013 I’d created a nice little portfolio of sites that gave the sales team a steady flow of new business, however, I wasn’t seeing enough monetary return for my efforts.

I was still only earning enough to pay rent and party about once a week. By the end of each month I was always struggling to make ends meet and all too often ended up with nothing in the bank.

Let’s clambr!

Since I’d developed a real passion for SEO and thought I could use what I’d learned to build my own popular site, I purchased the domain –

All I knew is that I wanted to write about SEO and learn more about how it works in the process.

There was no real direction in my first few posts which altered between sharing some of my newbie SEO advice, joking about the internet and then finally explaining why I quit my job at the beginning of June 2013.

Goodbye 9 to 5

When I quit my job it wasn’t necessarily “the right time”. I had barely any money in the bank, no back up careers lined up and was stuck in China, half the world away from my home in the UK.

Everyone said I was nuts to quit and that I should have waited until I had enough money from outside ventures to justify leaving the security of a pay check. But I didn’t. I wasn’t going to waste one more minute of my time dragging my feet into a job that was frankly not getting me any closer to my dream – to be fully self sufficient and have the freedom to do what I want everyday.

In the following few weeks after I left stable employment I began allocating every hour of the day towards refreshing my knowledge of SEO, learning how affiliate marketing works and how the heck to get visitors to, which at the time was only known to my family and friends.

Before clambr was born, I had never done any of the offsite stuff – the real magic for pulling rank in the SERPS.

I needed to learn this and FAST, because my seriously depleting bank balance would soon render me in trouble if I didn’t get some sort of income quick snap.

Going Viral

I knuckled down and used Brian Dean’s Skyscraper technique to make an expert roundup post that went viral. This opened the flood gates to clambr and gave me the motivation I needed to realise that getting traffic to an unknown blog is possible if you apply the right strategies.

Since my link building tools roundup went viral I’ve done a few more blog posts about my link building activities and one more roundup about local SEO. Not much, I know, and I’ve been regularly asked, “so when is the next blog post Richard? What’s going on?”

Frequent Explosions

Frequent Explosions on Twitter

If you’ve read some of my blog posts in the past or seen me occasionally explode on Twitter, you may have gathered how much of a struggle it has been for me to to run a blog from China. Seriously dude, it’s whack. This YouTube video perfectly captures the feeling I get when Twitter gets blocked or Google goes blank, or I have to wait 2 minutes for someone’s page to load when the Great Firewall is f*cking with me.

I was dealing with the combination of crappy internet and China’s Great Firewall every damn day. It was slowing me down big time and having a detrimental effect on my ability to promote my posts, socialize, or even browse the web!

In a nutshell running an internet business from China was not working out. It was like trying to flog a dead horse to Donald Trump and it was bringing me down.

So, I made a decision…

…I packed my bags, handed my keys back to the landlord, caught the subway to the airport and left China.

Hello Britain

Upon arriving back in the UK I met up with my brother, who is equally passionate about digital marketing and has also recently left the 9 to 5.

We spent a couple of weeks plotting our next move and have decided to “squad up”, knuckle down and build an authority site together.

After drilling through dozens of ideas we suddenly realised there was a niche we both have a lot of experience in and a quick look at the competition has revealed a perfect angle we can attack it.

Mountain Hideout

Mountain Hideout

With the niche chosen we packed out bags, boarded a plane from Bristol airport, flew to Geneva, got a bus to Annemasse, a train to Cluses and then a taxi to our final destination – a small village nestled in the French Alps called Les Carroz.

We arrived 7 days ago and it’s a hideout fit for an epic adventure. It’s in the middle of nowhere, surrounded my mountains, with no distractions and has something I haven’t had the privilege of for a very long time – LIGHTENING FAST INTERNET!

Be Adventurous

This is where clambr will be beaming out to you for the next couple of months and it is here where my brother and I will begin building a brand new authority site from scratch.

If you’re ready to take a step forward and start your own adventure towards building a solid income online, sign up for updates today and let the adventure begin!

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