A Reversal for Hubspot Inc (NYSE:HUBS) Is Near. The Stock Has Decrease in Shorts

Investors sentiment increased to 1.4 in 2018 Q4. Its up 0.38, from 1.02 in 2018Q3. It improved, as 41 investors sold HubSpot, Inc. shares while 45 reduced holdings. 44 funds opened positions while 76 raised stakes. 37.46 million shares or 2.90% more from 36.40 million shares in 2018Q3 were reported.
Renaissance Lc reported 251,100 shares stake. Dimensional Fund Limited Partnership owns 73,066 shares. Prudential Fincl holds 0% of its portfolio in HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) for 5,530 shares. Fifth Third National Bank holds 0% or 1,621 shares in its portfolio. Deutsche Bank & Trust Ag reported 182,626 shares. Proshare Advsrs Ltd Co accumulated 0% or 5,440 shares. Oak Associate Oh stated it has 4,915 shares. Natixis has invested 0% in HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS). Cwm Ltd Liability Corp has invested 0% in HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS). Fisher Asset Mngmt Ltd Company owns 0.01% invested in HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) for 53,019 shares. Cubist Systematic Strategies Ltd Limited Liability Company holds 1,603 shares or 0.01% of its portfolio. Jennison Associate Ltd Company accumulated 963,745 shares. Voya Inv Mngmt Ltd Liability Co accumulated 208,420 shares. Cypress Cap Mngmt Ltd Liability (Wy) holds 0% or 13 shares. Hsbc Plc has 19,709 shares for 0% of their portfolio.

Since November 1, 2018, it had 0 insider purchases, and 16 selling transactions for $11.13 million activity. $1.88M worth of HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) was sold by Halligan Brian on Thursday, December 20. $70,378 worth of HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) was sold by Kelleher John P.. Another trade for 1,199 shares valued at $164,419 was sold by Madeley Hunter. On Thursday, November 15 the insider Shah Dharmesh sold $3.39M. The insider Sherman J Donald sold $1.91 million.

The stock of Hubspot Inc (NYSE:HUBS) registered a decrease of 2.74% in short interest. HUBS’s total short interest was 3.58M shares in April as published by FINRA. Its down 2.74% from 3.68 million shares, reported previously. With 969,200 shares average volume, it will take short sellers 4 days to cover their HUBS’s short positions. The short interest to Hubspot Inc’s float is 9.73%.

The stock increased 4.54% or $7.76 during the last trading session, reaching $178.72. About 637,717 shares traded or 10.82% up from the average. HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) has risen 46.22% since April 27, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 41.85% the S&P500.

HubSpot, Inc. provides a cloud-based marketing and sales software platform for businesses in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. The company has market cap of $7.36 billion. The Company’s software platform includes integrated applications, such as social media, search engine optimization, blogging, Website content management, marketing automation, email, CRM, analytics, and reporting that enables businesses to attract visitors to their Websites, convert visitors into leads, and close leads into clients and delight customers. It currently has negative earnings. The firm also offers professional, and phone and email support services.

HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) Ratings Coverage

Among 7 analysts covering HubSpot (NYSE:HUBS), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 43% are positive. HubSpot had 10 analyst reports since November 8, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. On Thursday, November 8 the stock rating was maintained by RBC Capital Markets with “Sector Perform”. The firm has “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank given on Wednesday, February 13. Canaccord Genuity maintained HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) rating on Wednesday, February 13. Canaccord Genuity has “Buy” rating and $190 target. The firm has “Equal-Weight” rating by Morgan Stanley given on Thursday, November 8. The firm has “Perform” rating given on Thursday, January 24 by Oppenheimer. Raymond James maintained it with “Outperform” rating and $181 target in Wednesday, February 13 report. On Thursday, November 8 the stock rating was maintained by Raymond James with “Outperform”.

More notable recent HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) news were published by: Finance.Yahoo.com which released: “Leading universities partner with IBM to accelerate joint research and drive educational opportunities in quantum computing – Yahoo Finance” on April 25, 2019, also Benzinga.com with their article: “Hubspot (NYSE:HUBS), Salesforce.com Inc (NYSE:CRM) – Hubspot’s Quarterly Earnings Growth: A Sign Of Good Things To Come? – Benzinga” published on July 26, 2018, Benzinga.com published: “Analysts Commend HubSpot’s Growth, Product Momentum, Lift Price Targets After Q4 Print (NYSE:HUBS) – Benzinga” on February 13, 2019. More interesting news about HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) were released by: Fool.com and their article: “Why HubSpot, Inc., Appian Corp., and Zendesk, Inc. Are Plunging Today – Motley Fool” published on November 19, 2018 as well as Finance.Yahoo.com‘s news article titled: “Hedge Funds Have Never Been More Bullish On The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. (THG) – Yahoo Finance” with publication date: April 23, 2019.

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