Are You Asking Yourself this Blogging Question Daily?

“What freeing, uncomfortable thing can I do today to grow my blog?”

Asking this question opens a world of opportunities for you.


Opportunities flow to bloggers who exit their comfort zone regularly.

Freedom occurs when you unbind yourself from your fears.

Here’s an example; I woke this morning at about 8:20 AM. I immediately jumped into an icy cold shower for 15 seconds. The temperature has dropped here in New York City. The shower was cold! But spending a few seconds in the icy cold water frees me from my fears; the fear of cold water hitting my body, the fear of leaving my comfort zone, and a few more.

I followed up with 40 minutes of yoga and 20 minutes of meditation. Both freeing, but uncomfortable practices.

As of 11:49 AM I have:

  • received a client payment
  • received an order from another client
  • published my latest podcast
  • written a travel themed page on Blogging From Paradise
  • completed a live broadcast on Facebook
  • published a guest post on The Huffington Post
  • networked on Facebook

I am completing this post in a few minutes.

For under 2 hours of work, I have been pretty productive, and even more effective.

Being productive and effective with your blogging campaign can feel freeing, but highly uncomfortable. I feel writer’s block slowly try to cloud my mind sometimes. I even felt it this morning when I sat down to create my video and travel page.

But I sat with the uncomfortable feelings, allowed these energies to pass, and in 2 hours, I have helped folks, inspired folks, I have grown my blogging business and I am just getting started.

Asking yourself the simple question of what you can do that grows your blogging business, said actions being freeing and uncomfortable, helps you cultivate the proper energy for sprinting out of your comfort zone.

Success Lies Outside of Your Comfort Zone

I was terrified to write an eBook way back in the day.

Today I have written and self-published 126 eBooks.

Writing and self-publishing the first eBook required me to sprint outside of my comfort zone. I was stricken by fears. Nobody would like the eBook. I’d be criticized. Nobody would buy the eBook. How would I format the eBook?

All these fear-based energies felt tough to face, embrace and release, but when I moved in the direction of my self-published related fears, I freed myself from the fears. I also became prolific. I opened a steady passive income stream. I applied the same boldness and clarity I felt during my self-publishing blitz to my blogging and guest posting campaigns.

The blogging success I experience now is a product of me sprinting outside of my comfort zone.

Asking myself how I could sprint outside of my comfort zone, to do freeing things, set the precedent for the empowered stuff I am doing today to be a full time, established, professional blogger.


After asking yourself the question, wait for answers.

Some answers may be:

  • write your first blog post
  • write your first guest post
  • write your first eBook
  • start a podcast
  • create your first online course
  • dive into your first joint venture
  • sell your first affiliate product
  • begin growing an email list
  • offer coaching services related to your niche

The list is limitless. Every blogger is different, so answers may vary, but most answers may feel uncomfortable to explore, when you toy around with these ideas.

Welcome to becoming a successful blogger.

Feeling the discomfort and moving forward anyway is the tuition you must pay to be free, to have fun and to rock it out on this blogging journey.


Watch me gab about this concept as I combat a cat in New York City.

Your Turn

Do you ask yourself this question regularly?

How are you doing freeing but uncomfortable things to grow your blog?

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