Are You Struggling to Find Clients for Your Blog Coaching Business?

Blog coaching is a lucrative, enjoyable income stream for any aspiring blogger.

If you are helping people blog through your blog posts why not offer premium services designed to solve your reader’s problems?

This stream is rewarding but challenging to work for most bloggers. Many of us have or had mental blocks concerning our abilities to successfully coach folks. Few bloggers develop the patience to remain detached from attracting clients during cold spells, where nobody seems to have any interest in what you have to offer.

You can grow a thriving blog coaching business if you follow a few basic steps to right the coaching ship when things seem to be sinking.


I filmed a short video about how to get clients through guest posting on blogs.

This can be a helpful add on to the 3 tips I will share below.


1: Open Multiple Income Streams

Open multiple streams of income.

Insulate yourself against the highs and lows of running a blog coaching business.

Make more money through your blog.

I currently have over 10 streams of income through my blog. This means whether clients are finding my blog regularly or not I am receiving payments for:

  • my 124 Amazon Kindle eBooks
  • my audio books
  • my paperbacks
  • my Amazon Associates commissions
  • my blog coaching services
  • my course sales
  • various affiliate revenue
  • sponsored posts
  • advertising revenue
  • freelance writing
  • other consulting streams

Opening MSI is a no brainer for any blogger. Never rely on 1 or 2 streams of either active or passive income.

Patiently open multiple income streams to boost your cash flow and to prepare for any fluctuations in your blog coaching business.

The chief benefit of having money flowing in through multiple streams; you won’t feel desperate when things move slowly with your coaching business. Instead of forcing things you patiently build your consulting business from a relaxed, fun-loving energy, laying the foundation for a successful business venture.

2: Clarify Your Services Page

Get clearer on your blog coaching services page.

Spend time explaining what you offer and how it benefits your readers.

By fine tuning your services page you better connect with clients who could use your coaching skills.

Go into quiet for a few moments. Relax your body. Relax your mind.

Observe your blog coaching page from an honest perspective. Could you get clearer on specifically what you offer? Can you stress how your coaching services benefit your readers?

Getting clearer is hands down one of the easiest ways to boost your client base without doing much work at all.

This process may not require much work but usually feels uncomfortable. Imagine if you are raising rates to attract a serious, clear blogger ready to drop their dough on your services? Doing so feels scary to most bloggers who fear that raising rates may make your services too expensive, scaring off business.

I generated more sales, attracted more clients and made more money by charging significantly higher rates and prices throughout my blogging business. Having posture and getting clear on your services are both prospering actions.

3: Get Busy Giving

Get super busy with giving to grow your coaching business.

Be generous; if you appear to be running into a dry spell, chances are you need to keep giving, even more freely, to establish yourself as a coach in your niche.

Free givers eventually do a fair amount of getting. This means that helping a wide range of people for free opens doors for your blog coaching business to flourish.

Write more blog posts. Write more guest posts.

Upload helpful videos to YouTube.

Answer questions on Quora.

Be helpful to as many people interested in your blogging niche as humanly possible.

Get so busy with giving that you forget about the getting aspect of your business. This level of service and detachment precedes growth throughout your consulting business.

Your Turn

Are you struggling to attract clients for your blog coaching business?

What tips can you add to this list?

How are you growing your blog coaching business?

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