As Reddit Broadens its Appeal, What’s the ‘Ask’ for Marketers? : marketing

As Reddit Broadens its Appeal, What’s the ‘Ask’ for Marketers? : marketing

IMHO: unless you’re doing something super involved such as an AMA live, “normal” ads(sponsored posts?) aren’t going to see a positive roi. From an external advertising agency perspective I will need to have FULL client involvement to wisely spend dollars here. (Please tell me a different opinion, I’d love to chat)

Ok, having said that the reason for involvement is simply to provide that true “value” people are on reddit for. People on reddit, like me, hate ads. I’ll sniff one out a mile away.

Reddit provides an “honest” and real time engaged audience. This platform has big potential for brands. However, iirc they also have the lowest user value of any large scale social media.

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