ASEOHosting Discusses The Impact Blockchain Could Have On Search Engine Optimization

The development of a blockchain-based search engine could completely change SEO as we know it.

ASEOHosting, a provider of SEO-friendly hosting, today examined the relationship between blockchain and SEO.

A distributed database that uses multiple systems to ensure security and data integrity, blockchain was originally created to serve as a public transaction ledger for bitcoin. The peer-to-peer was intended as a solution to the double-spending problem that could be implemented without requiring a central server. As cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity, businesses have begun exploring other uses for blockchain beyond serving as a public ledger.

“At a glance, it may seem like blockchain has relatively little to do with search engine optimization,” explains Daniel Page, Director of Business Development at ASEOHosting. “However, looking closer at the technology and its potential uses reveals that it has the potential to fundamentally change digital marketing and advertising. Moreover, it stands to upset the very core that defines SEO.”

“It is no secret that digital advertising is in dire straits,” he continues. “Malicious and fraudulent advertising has reached epidemic proportions and the usage of ad-blockers is at an all-time high. Blockchain offers a direct solution to this issue and blockchain-based identification systems provide a level of unmatched transparency and trust.”

Many companies are already working to implement such systems, and not simply for advertising. Other areas of search engine marketing, such as product reviews, also stand to benefit. A company that validates all on-site advertisements, customer reviews, and product sales through blockchain is one that demonstrates care for its customers, says Daniel.

“Believe it or not, all the applications of blockchain within the advertising space are only the tip of the iceberg,” he continues. “Through the use of distributed ledgers, we could see better keyword research, a higher premium placed on verified people and data, and an even greater crackdown on black hat SEO tactics like paid link building.”

Beyond that, says Daniel Page, the larger impact of blockchain is as-yet uncertain. He does, however, estimate that the development of a blockchain-based search engine could completely change SEO as we know it. Such a search engine would, he said, serve results based on each person’s identity; information available to and provided by them alone.

“I doubt we will be seeing any significant market upsets from blockchain in the immediate future,” he says. “But it’s still something to pay attention to – because eventually, we will see a change.”

About ASEOHosting:

ASEOHosting is the leader in providing all types of SEO Hosting, including Shared SEO Hosting, Dedicated SEO Hosting, US Dedicated SEO Servers, and EU Dedicated SEO Servers, based in Orlando, FL, and Detroit, MI, owned and operated by Ahosting, Inc., supplying hosting services that are truly beyond imagination. Since 2002, ASEOHosting has established one of the web’s premier solutions for reseller web hosting, multiple IP hosting, dedicated servers, and VPS hosting. For more information, visit

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