Blog Burnout: How to Keep Blogging When the Going Gets Tough

Blog Burnout

Since sitting in front of your computer to write a post hours ago, you can’t find the words. You’ve been publishing blog content regularly for the past couple of months. You’ve been aggressive in promoting them and connecting with other bloggers in your niche. It seems like blogging has taken over your life.

However, at this very moment, it looks like you’re suffering from blog burnout.

As the saying goes, too much of something is bad enough. The same thing applies when it comes to managing a blog. You may think you are overflowing with ideas with the content you plan to write or the strategies and campaigns you want to implement. But the stress and pressure of blogging will eventually catch up to you until you are worn out with writing. If you’re not careful, you might lose your passion and drive for blogging and put your blog in jeopardy!

Therefore, to keep that from happening, you need to learn how to prevent stress by keeping an eye on burnout symptoms, so you don’t get the severe case of blog burnout.

Step away from your computer

There’s a fine line that separate healthy blogging from an unhealthy one. Being driven to succeed as a blogger is a good thing. However, if it starts affecting other facets of your life such as health and relationships, for instance, then you need to step back from blogging and re-evaluate your goals as a blogger and as a person.

Blogging could be no longer a means to end, but is now the be-all-end-all of what you do. Again, there’s nothing wrong with taking your blogging to the next level as it is a fun and challenging way to make a living, But you have to consider your current status in life and determine if your current pace in blogging is in line with the kind of life you want to lead. If blogging is slowly consuming your life, then there’s not only a higher risk of feeling burned out but also had an adverse effect on your well-being and social life.

If you could relate to any of the above, then do yourself a favor and turn off your computer and disconnect from the internet to keep your mind off blogging even for a day. Sometimes, all you need to do is to refocus your energies on your priorities in life so you can better assess your next move. Go out with your friends and have a great time or just relax and engage with your other hobbies.

Be more deliberate in your blogging

Some bloggers find solace in just writing content about whatever that pops up on their heads. They use intuition and judgment to come up with ideas for their blog. While something is comforting about blogging this way, it may not be the most efficient way to do things. Blogging without any clear direction can lead to a haphazard blog that doesn’t meet its goals regularly. This causes the blogger to panic and stress out as a result.

Therefore, you need to learn how to leverage tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to help you understand the performance of your site. Using both, you will be able to identify which pages are attracting the most traffic, how long people are staying on your site pages, where you get your site visitors, and more.

You can use both to answer relevant questions to your blogging such as:

  • What topics resonate with my readers the best?
  • Based on the best-performing pages, should I write content more frequently but with fewer words or the other way around?
  • Which online channels do I get bulk of my traffic from (organic search, social media, etc.) and how can I further increase them?

These questions and more will help you develop a blogging plan where you can schedule what posts to write, when to publish them, and how you will promote them. This way, you can create content that your audience wants to read and attract more people to your blog, resulting in higher engagement and traffic!

Have a shoulder to lean on to

Despite your efforts in keeping your stress levels low, the risk of incurring blog burnout is still high. Even if you progress as a blogger, the bar always goes higher and higher, thus putting you over the limit. In fact, the sky is the limit as a blogger, and you’ll find yourself challenging your own instead of measuring yourself against others.

If your goal is to achieve blogging greatness, you may need as much help as possible. Having your family and friends to lean to when the going gets tough helps keep yourself grounded so as not to lose focus. You can also draw strengths from your peers that you have met through seminars and meetups. An accountability partner is a great way to get some feedback from your progress and see if you’re still in the right direction. At the same time, you can also critique your partner and set them straight if they’re losing their way.

Support also comes in different shapes and forms. Leaning on your hobbies and passions outside blogging lets you blow off steam and explore another side of yourself. Getting comfort from animals such as an emotional support dog can help you cope up with some of the hardships not only brought on by blogging.

Have fun

At the very core of blogging, or anything that people do on a regular basis, is the ability to make you happy.

If you enjoy the hustle and grind of looking for traffic through the content you write and publish, then blogging is definitely for you. If you find this process insufferable, then the stress you’re experiencing stems from the fact that blogging isn’t for you.

As with most jobs and occupation, you will encounter difficult times as a blogger. However, as long as you are up to the challenges brought by this practice, then you should be fine.

Beat blog burnout once and for all!

Blog burnout is something that bloggers have to go through. In fact, it’s what separates real bloggers from the rest. If you can’t bear the stress that goes in blogging, then you may want to look for another occupation that will make you much happier. However, if you’re going to overcome blog burnout and reach success, then you need to take the tips above to heart.

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