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Blogging Tips From A Real-Life Successful Blogger: An Interview With Jolanthe Erb @

Thank you so much to Jolantha of Homeschool Creations for taking the time to share her blogging tips with us.  I’m so excited to be featuring several bloggers over the next few weeks – real-life successful bloggers – and hearing their thoughts and tips about blogging!  So, pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, and be inspired!

Blogging Tips From A Successful Blogger - An Interview With Jolanthe

Tell us a bit about yourself and your blog:

Homeschool Creations is a blog where you’ll find free educational printables, helpful tips and resources for families, encouragement as you teach, and organizational tips. The site was started to keep family and friends updated on what we were doing during our homeschool time (and myself accountable) but quickly grew when I began sharing printables I had created to go along with our studies.

Jolanthe’s most popular post shares an effective chore system for kids.

Blogging Tips From A Successful Blogger - An Interview With JolantheHow do you make money through your blog?

I use a variety of platforms and try not to put all of my eggs in one basket. Affiliate programs such as Amazon and other companies that I have a personal relationship with have been great for me over the years, but I also have quarterly advertisers and sell a few products that I’ve created..

What is ONE piece of advice you would give to a new blogger starting out in your niche?

Don’t expect to be an overnight sensation. Blogging takes a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. Don’t make it over-complicated either. I think sometimes we get so caught up in having everything done “just so” and then get frustrated when a post doesn’t perform as well as we anticipated. Be yourself and be true to what you enjoy – because if you don’t enjoy it, you’ll quickly lose the desire to blog.

What is ONE big blogging hurdle you had to overcome and what steps did you take to overcome it?

Burnout. There was a point when I just wanted to put everything aside. I had to take a step back and evaluate what was most important to me and what I needed to do to keep it enjoyable in the process. For me that meant taking dedicated time off each year (it’s ok to not post every day), change up my blogging schedule, and put less pressure on myself overall.

Leave them in the comments below – then be sure to head over to Jolanthe’s Blog!

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