Boost Your Business with MIA Web Lab

The Internet can be a very tough nut to crack, especially when there are so many moving parts. And then all the algorithms seems to be updated and changed every other day too. It’s so hard to keep up, especially when you are an online business seeking to grow your audience and convert more visitors.

Helping you put your mind at ease by setting your business on the right track is MIA Web Lab, a full service agency that is dedicated to raising your brand awareness and elevating your return on investment.

What Can MIA Web Lab Do For You?

Based out of Miami, Florida (hence its name), MIA Web Lab offers a full suite of online services that are geared toward growing your business, from attracting more visitors to converting those visitors into customers to retaining your customers over the long-haul.

These are three main challenges that every online business faces on an ongoing basis and MIA Web Lab aims to assist and guide you every step of the way. The strategy is multi-fold and MIA Web Lab is expertly trained and experienced to tackle a wide range of needs and services.

  • Web Design and Development: Does your website look like it’s still stuck in the 90s? Even if you think your site looks okay, MIA Web Lab can help you “establish a strong branding with a modern, unique look and functionality.” Visitors do judge a book by its cover, and good covers can help maximize your earnings and increase your conversions.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC): Advertising through such platforms as Google AdWords can be tricky, but MIA Web Lab is a Google-certified agency that can “drastically help improve your ROI.” They’ll optimize your ads for growing leads, sales and revenue, offering the best bang for your advertising buck.
  • Social Media: It goes without saying that social media is where it’s at these days, but it can be difficult to juggle all these platforms and to figure out how to grow your following (and engagement) on each one. They’ll help to curate content to create the highest performing posts.
  • SEO: Both on-page and off-page, search engine optimization is positively critical for any brand on the web. At the end of the day, you want to attract as much quality traffic to your website as possible. They’ll carefully audit, analyze and develop a strategic plan to get you skyrocketing to the top of the search engine results page.
  • Sales Optimization (UX): Focusing on the end user experience, MIA Web Lab will reduce the rate of abandoned carts and increase your retention and conversion rates. This is accomplished through multivariate and A/B split testing with the help of talented UI designers and developers. Not only does your site need to look good; it needs to perform well too.
  • Blog Writing: It has been said for ages for content is king and this continues to be the case with the web today. One of the best ways to keep your site approachable and relevant is with a company blog. The experts here can spark those key industry conversations that will organically improve your SEO and help you strike a more powerful relationship with partners and customers alike.
  • Email Marketing: As powerful as social media and blogs have become in recent years, the old tried and true method of email marketing is still among the most effective strategies for retaining customers and improving sales. You get a direct access route to their inbox without having to deal with messy algorithms and other complications. MIA Web Lab will work with you to boost open rates, click-through rates and conversion rates. Strategic planning is paramount here and MIA Web Lab has the experience to back that up.
  • Store Reviews: One of the most powerful but most overlooked strategies is the use of store reviews. This plays a big part in the buying decisions for a lot of customers. MIA Web Lab offers reputation management services to help build and monitor those reviews, ensuring that all prospects view your company, products and services in as positive a light as possible.

For Content Creators and Marketers

At first glance, it might seem like such an agency is only suitable for businesses engaged directly in e-commerce, selling their own products and services. While these types of businesses can certainly benefit from such services, it is also very much true that content creators and marketers can benefit too.

Consider this. Let’s say that you run a reasonably successful blog in a niche or industry of your choice. The big goals that you have for this website really aren’t all that different from that of an online store. You still want to attract as many visitors to the site as possible. That means working with SEO, social media and email marketing for instance.

You want those visitors to have as positive an experience as possible and you want to have strong branding. You also want those visitors to convert on the offers and advertising that you have your website, as that is how your website makes money. Maybe you want to convert them into email subscribers too. That’s all fundamentally the same as e-commerce.

The same is exactly true if you are an email marketer. Even if you are not promoting your own products or services, you are likely promoting something. And that means getting traffic, retaining customers, and making sure these people come back again and again, converting on those offers again and again.

Instead of seeking out different professionals for all these different tasks and responsibilities, you can turn to MIA Web Lab as a one-stop shop, focusing your efforts on where your needs are the greatest at that particular point in time.

Proven Success

All of this high level talk doesn’t mean much if they can’t deliver actual, proven results. You want to invest your money wisely and you want to get a good return on that investment. To prove their worth, MIA Web Lab shares some case studies of the work they’ve done with previous clients.

One such example is a company called Touts. They worked with them on web design, social media, display ads, SEO and digital marketing in an effort to grow their business across the board. The existing website was “congested” and “confusing,” resulting in a “frustrating” experience for users, leading to poor sales figures.

To this end, MIA Web Lab helped to create a far cleaner-looking site and focused on boosting SEO performance for organic growth, as well as working on social media as part of an overall digital strategy. The net result is 300% growth in just three months, 45% increase in visitors, rapid expansion on social, and 83 keywords on the first page of search results.

If you want to enjoy similar success, request an initial website analysis from MIA Web Lab today. It’s completely free and they will “make you a priority.” From there, you can work out a bespoke plan that aligns with your goals and budget.

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