Breaking: Barclays Reiterates $82 Price Target On GoDaddy (NYSE:GDDY) Shares, Reiterates Their Original “Buy” Rating

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GoDaddy (NYSE:GDDY) Rating Reaffirmed

They currently have a $82 PT on GoDaddy (NYSE:GDDY). The target price by Barclays would suggest a potential upside of 8.11 % from the company’s last stock close. This has been released in analysts note on Wednesday morning.

GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) Ratings Coverage

Among 4 analysts covering GoDaddy (NYSE:GDDY), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 1 Hold. Therefore 75% are positive. GoDaddy has $8800 highest and $85 lowest target. $86.67’s average target is 14.26% above currents $75.85 stock price. GoDaddy had 4 analyst reports since September 14, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock of GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, October 11 by Citigroup. The firm has “Buy” rating by SunTrust given on Wednesday, February 20.

The stock increased 4.78% or $3.46 during the last trading session, reaching $75.85. About 3.56M shares traded or 162.37% up from the average. GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) has risen 34.41% since February 22, 2018 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 34.41% the S&P500.

Analysts await GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) to report earnings on February, 28. They expect $0.13 EPS, up 18.18 % or $0.02 from last year’s $0.11 per share. GDDY’s profit will be $22.56 million for 145.87 P/E if the $0.13 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.08 actual EPS reported by GoDaddy Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 62.50 % EPS growth.

GoDaddy Inc. designs and develops cloud technology products for small businesses, Web design professionals, and individuals in the United States and internationally. The company has market cap of $13.16 billion. It provides domain name registration product that enables to engage clients at the initial stage of establishing a digital identity; hosting and presence products, such as shared Website hosting, Website hosting on virtual dedicated servers and dedicated servers, managed hosting, and security. It has a 102.36 P/E ratio. The firm also offers Website builder, an online tool that enables clients to build Websites; online store product that allows clients to create their own standalone Website with an integrated online store optimized for mobile shopping; and search engine visibility product that helps clients get their Websites found on search sites through search engine optimization.

More notable recent GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) news were published by: which released: “Ayesha Curry Unveils New Homemade Website and Brand, Powered by GoDaddy – PRNewswire” on February 13, 2019, also with their article: “GODADDY, INC. (NYSE:GDDY) – Q4 Earnings Preview For GoDaddy – Benzinga” published on February 20, 2019, published: “GoDaddy (GDDY) Earnings & Revenues Beat Estimates in Q4 –” on February 21, 2019. More interesting news about GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) were released by: and their article: “10 Biggest Price Target Changes For Thursday – Benzinga” published on February 21, 2019 as well as‘s news article titled: “Startup football league hires Bob Parsons’ production company for national broadcasts – Phoenix Business Journal” with publication date: January 24, 2019.

GoDaddy Inc. (NYSE:GDDY) Ratings Chart

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