Channel: Martech: Marketing

The great martech debate: Build vs. buy

I recently worked with a very well-known “unicorn” (a private company valued at more than $1 billion by investors). The unicorn’s founder proudly told me that they were building their own AdWords campaign management software and that they had even hired an engineer from Google’s AdWords team (because, you know, one engineer probably knows the […]

The great martech debate: Build vs. buy Read More »

Forget B2B and B2C; the future of marketing is P2P

By now, we can all agree — digital has changed everything. So, it only makes sense that digital is responsible for blurring the lines between the marketing strategies of business-to-business (B2B) companies and those of business-to-consumer (B2C). Now that we can reach individual customers at scale, we have to start treating every customer as a

Forget B2B and B2C; the future of marketing is P2P Read More »

Is GDPR the Y2K for B2B marketing? And how to use it to your advantage

Buckle in. Marketing — and your entire organization — is about to be overwhelmed with stiffer data privacy regulations around the globe. The poster child for this movement is GDPR, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. As a marketing leader, you’ll be spending hundreds of hours with the legal eagles and the data teams

Is GDPR the Y2K for B2B marketing? And how to use it to your advantage Read More »

Balancing product inputs and performance outputs

Most chief marketing officers will agree that building a marketing technology stack is a key priority when setting out to develop strategies that will drive measurable success and a demonstrable return on investment. While that may be the case — and while it’s true that a technology stack is a critical part of any marketing

Balancing product inputs and performance outputs Read More »

Microsoft’s LinkedIn integration, AI and what it means for marketers

The recent Microsoft Ignite event in September told us a lot about the direction technology is going — and specifically how it will impact marketers. Microsoft emphasized two trends that will have a significant effect on marketers. The first is an effort to make artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning available to the masses. The

Microsoft’s LinkedIn integration, AI and what it means for marketers Read More »

How marketing ops can deliver value to the C-suite

Having the right marketing stack is just one component of a successful marketing operations department in your organization. Having great people and executing a best-in-class process completes the three circles of the martech Venn diagram for success. Marketing ops departments are often bogged down in one of two scenarios: (1) There aren’t any clearly defined

How marketing ops can deliver value to the C-suite Read More »

3 seismic shifts, Part 2

Marketing operations (MO) as a dedicated, funded and strategic capability has exploded across B2B marketing organizations. Driven by traditional marketing’s poor response to changes in technology, customer behavior and use of data for decision-making, the marketing operations function is not only filling the gap, but also creating a competitive advantage for organizations by enabling change

3 seismic shifts, Part 2 Read More »

At MarTech conference, tech evangelist Robert Scoble envisions how AR and VR will transform marketing

Robert Scoble wearing glasses that are displaying 360-degree video from the camera he’s holding Fasten your seatbelts. Those weren’t the exact words used by tech evangelist and author Robert Scoble in a keynote address on Wednesday, the last day of our MarTech Conference in Boston. But that was the basic idea, as he touted the

At MarTech conference, tech evangelist Robert Scoble envisions how AR and VR will transform marketing Read More »

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