Salesforce Acquires CloudCraze, a B2B eCommerce Software Startup

Salesforce has added another tool to their CRM applications with its upcoming acquisition of CloudCraze, a Chicago-based eCommerce platform. The news was announced on Monday by CloudCraze. While the terms of the deal with Salesforce was not disclosed, it was revealed that the two companies had already signed an agreement. We’re excited to announce that […]

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Salesforce Improves Einstein Analytics to Make it Easier for Customers to Extract Data

A lot of people find it challenging to use the different analytics tools at their disposal. But Salesforce hopes to change all that by making it possible for businesses to extract data by using conventional conversational language. Salesforce has been developing and filling artificial-intelligence features into its system so that users will be able to

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Quick Guide to Choosing the Right CRM Software for Your Business

Building and maintaining positive relationships with customers is a key factor in a company’s success, regardless of what industry or niche it’s operating. While this might not be a challenge for a small business or a local company, it will inevitably become a consideration as the business expands and the operations side becomes more complex.

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