Customer engagement

How to Use Engagement Marketing to Acquire More Customers

Customer acquisition is a major goal for most businesses, and there are plenty of ways that brands go about finding, connecting with, and gaining new customers. Some customer acquisition methods are more effective than others. For example, referral marketing – a strategy in which brands incentivize loyal customers to promote their products or services via personal […]

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Reasons Why You Should Have an E-Commerce Website for Your Business

To satisfy your customers, you need to do more than design quality products and services. Businesses that have embraced technology are scaling on different heights. For you to make maximum profits, you need to make more sales. This is only possible if you can attract new customers and retain the existing ones. Having an ecommerce

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3 low-cost marketing tactics that encourage high customer engagement

Creative, low-cost ideas are the way of the future, and they work just as well (and sometimes better) as some of the most expensive methods of marketing Despite what you may have heard from expensive marketing companies, it doesn’t take a lot of money to get your customers to engage. As long as you know

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So, You’re Going to Resend an Email Marketing Campaign

3 Things to Consider Before You Hit the Resend Button When it comes to email marketing, many in the business are resending campaigns to subscribers that did not open the first email. The question is, though, does it make sense to send this to your entire list? The quick answer is that you should never

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Boost your open rates through messaging apps [Infographic]

One of the newest tools in digital marketing, messenger applications present a great opportunity for brands to boost their open rates, enhance their visibility, and build a great relationship with customers Messaging applications are online communication channels that facilitate free, instant messaging between individuals or within groups. Some popular examples include Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and

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Why Customer Experience is the Ultimate Marketing Tool

By 2020, a majority of purchase decisions will be made based on customer experience, not price. And according to a study from Temkin Group, a moderate increase in customer experience generates an average revenue increase of $823 million over three years for a company with $1 billion in annual revenues. INCREDIBLE. A moderate increase in customer

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5 powerful strategies to stop customer churn

Reducing customer churn is a powerful strategy.  An HBR study found that positive customer experiences are associated with big increases in future revenue. But how do companies stop customer churn? Customer churn is an expensive problem for businesses. Acquiring a new customer costs at least five times as much as retaining a current one. Meanwhile,

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Positioning Your Company Behind the Right Causes

Consumers have high expectations for companies to prioritize corporate social responsibility (CSR). At the same time, however, many consumers don’t make it a part of their decision-making process when buying — even though they want to support companies whose CSR initiatives resonate with them. So how should you approach CSR for your company when it

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4 must-have features for your customer listening platform

Customer listening is now essential Ever talked with someone who doesn’t seem to listen to you or let you get a word in edgewise? Pretty annoying, right? The same is true in digital marketing. In order for you to market and, ultimately sell better, you need to listen as much as you talk. Only then

4 must-have features for your customer listening platform Read More »

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