
StorybookJS and Why You Should Use It

What is Storybook? Storybook is a user interface (UI) development environment and playground for UI components. The tool enables developers to create components independently and showcase components interactively in an isolated development environment. Storybook supports many different frontend view layers. React, Vue, Angular, Mithril, Marko, HTML, Svelte, Meteor, Ember, Riot and Preact are currently supported. […]

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Speed Up Your Development with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio (VS) Code was released on April 29, 2015 by Microsoft. In a very short time, it has taken the coding world by storm. As of 2020, nearly 51% of developers claim to use it as their primary development environment. This, in itself, is shocking. When it first came out, nobody expected a tool

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Real-World Open Networking. Part 5: Dissonance between Networks and Software Domains

In our last post we finished up a detailed examination of different aspects of Interoperability. In this post, we will analyse the different mindsets between traditional networking domains and software development domains, explain why there is often built-in dissonance. Whilst Open Network solutions require the integration of network and software components and practices, at the

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Lowe’s Goes the DIY Route For Software Development

Lowe’s slogan is “do it right for less.” While that primarily applies to home repair and improvement, the company is also applying it to the world of software development. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Lowe’s is looking to retool its e-commerce solutions. The goal is to have 80% of the applications

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iOS 13’s Privacy Changes Have Big Repercussions For Businesses

On September 10, Apple held their “By Invitation Only” event, unveiling new iPhones, Apple Arcade, Apple TV+ and iOS 13. While many of the event’s announcements were aimed squarely at the consumer market, there were a number of things surrounding the iOS update that impact businesses, especially when it comes to marketing and development. For

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Five extensions to help you boost on-page SEO

While there are many extensions that can supplement your online presence and improve your on-page SEO performance, some happen to be very underrated but offer a lot more than others. On-page SEO is an integral part of online marketing. Over time, on-page SEO has been hammered and defined into several key instruments of the digital

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