
Building a WordPress Theme: Things to Consider in 2019 (And Beyond)

WebDevStudios (WDS) is working to improve our theme framework wd_s based on Automattic’s _s; although at this point, it’s resemblance is only vaguely similar. WDS is dedicated to keeping up to date with the web development industry and making educated decisions about which new things to pursue and which to ignore (for now). In my […]

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Cybersecurity in SEO: How website security affects SEO performance

Website security — or lack thereof — can directly impact your SEO performance. Search specialists can grow complacent. Marketers often get locked into a perception of what SEO is and begin to overlook what SEO should be. The industry has long questioned the permanent impact a website hack can have on organic performance. And many

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Modern Theme Development with Storefront

Storefront is a robust and flexible free WordPress theme developed by the team behind WooCommerce. Out of the box, Storefront supports deep integration with WooCommerce, which makes it a perfect starting point for developers to launch their projects. Storefront’s codebase relies on WordPress hooks and filters to add, remove or change functionality which makes it

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Introduction to End-to-End Testing with

The topic of testing comes up often at WebDevStudios—whether we’re on-boarding a new project, or we’re digging out bugs on existing work, and even when we talk about our own internal tools. Testing is a common part of software development that often gets overlooked, especially when you consider a website that might be more “static,”

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Beaver Builder Custom Fields – WebDevStudios

At WebDevStudios (WDS), we’ve used Beaver Builder for several projects because it provides a quick and intuitive way for our clients to customize their websites. The development documentation for Beaver Builder is pretty good, however it falls short in one particular area: custom fields. What fields am I talking about? They’re the ones that show up

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Leaving Homestead: Finding the Best All-Around Local Development Environment

Back in 2016, I wrote a blog post about using Laravel Homestead as my local environment. At the time, my only real options were Vagrant or MAMP as an Apple user. Since then, the number of options has increased slightly to include Local by Flywheel, a more significant push to using your computer, and a

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How to safely change themes on your WordPress site

WordPress is one of the most used content management systems out there. The one thing that makes WordPress so accessible is its ecosystem, including the themes and plugins available. As a user, you’ll find hundreds of free and paid themes. Ease of use also makes WordPress an excellent choice for building a blog or business

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