Facebook Marketing

Which of the worlds brands are performing best on Facebook?

Chart of the day: Netflix is the best performing brand in terms of highest average number of comments from users on their posts and highest on post shares Scandal or no scandal Facebook is still hugely important to brands and customers, with brands using Facebook pages for marketing and customer service. Based on the volume of […]

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Which of the words brands are performing best on Facebook?

Chart of the day: Netflix is the best performing brand in terms of highest average number of comments from users on their posts and highest on post shares Scandal or no scandal Facebook is still hugely important to brands and customers, with brands using Facebook pages for marketing and customer service. Based on the volume of

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How to use Facebook Messenger for marketing?

Facebook messenger hasn’t been around for that long but it has definitely made an impression. With 1.2 billion active users, ⅙ of the global population is using this app! Messaging apps have become extremely popular overtime, with a lot of the younger generation spending more time socialising through text messages, than face-to-face conversations. There are

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Facebook is making its Ad Metrics easier to understand

The social media giant is finally listening. Facebook has recently been switching things up to “better” suit its users – or has it really? A while ago, Facebook announced changes to its algorithm, showing users less public content, like posts from businesses, brands etc., and more personal content shared by friends and family. And now,

Facebook is making its Ad Metrics easier to understand Read More »

Facebook is on the decline for Gen Z and younger Millennials, but why?

Is the rise of online bullying and hate / fake news putting the younger generation off interacting on Facebook? Recent figures have shown that Facebook’s monthly active users between 12-24-years old have decreased, but why are the younger generations moving away from Facebook in preference for other social platforms available? Whilst Facebook constantly dominates global

Facebook is on the decline for Gen Z and younger Millennials, but why? Read More »

The implications of Facebook’s most recent algorithm update

How marketers can take advantage of the latest Facebook update The dust has now settled following Facebook’s announcement of a change in their algorithm to ensure users see more content from friends and family and less from brands and pages. In a bid to boost the number of meaningful interactions people have with Facebook, the

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How ecommerce retailers should leverage Facebook advertising in Q1

Engaging eCommerce consumers during Q1 – one of the most challenging quarters of the year – is no easy feat With shoppers now in post-holiday hibernation and product return rates at their highest, increasing engagement and retention may seem like an uphill battle. So what’s a retailer to do when the road to a strong

How ecommerce retailers should leverage Facebook advertising in Q1 Read More »

What can you learn from the most viral Facebook content of 2017?

Chart of the day: Most shared Facebook content 2017  Even though there isn’t one single formula for what makes content go viral on social media, it’s crucial for content creators to understand which type of content tends to work well online and therefore, should be pushed across their social channels. Recently, BuzzSumo analyzed two billion articles and

What can you learn from the most viral Facebook content of 2017? Read More »

3 of the best Facebook campaign examples from 2017

How three very different brands gained social success by creating Facebook campaigns that engaged users and got them talking In our Facebook marketing guide we share lots of examples of practical techniques for businesses to achieve their goals. We’re always on the lookout for new examples to share, so we ‘put our heads together’ in our team to

3 of the best Facebook campaign examples from 2017 Read More »

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