GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation

Privacy, a year later: How the GDPR has affected AI-powered marketing

It’s been almost a year since the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. The goal of the regulation? To help EU citizens control their personal data and how it’s collected, shared and used. But the sweeping nature of the GDPR means that it’s not just EU-based websites and technologies that fall under […]

Privacy, a year later: How the GDPR has affected AI-powered marketing Read More »

Collection of tech companies support changes to CA privacy act that bring it closer to GDPR

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is set to take effect next year and is likely to become the de facto national privacy standard for online publishers and marketers. Ahead of this deadline, however, competing groups are lobbying for changes in its terms. AB 1760 looks more like GDPR. A recently proposed amendment in the

Collection of tech companies support changes to CA privacy act that bring it closer to GDPR Read More »

Privacy group’s accusations against IAB Europe question ‘the bedrock upon which programmatic is built’

This week a group of privacy advocates took a shot at the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Europe, claiming that the industry trade group knew in advance that real-time bidding (RTB) was not compatible with Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). IAB Europe vehemently denies the charges. IAB Europe is a non-profit membership organization that provides guidelines

Privacy group’s accusations against IAB Europe question ‘the bedrock upon which programmatic is built’ Read More »

U.S. marketers respond to Google’s $57 million GDPR fine

Last week, Google became the first major use case for Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), racking up a $56.8 million fine for not prominently displaying required information and obtaining adequate consent for ad targeting. The fine is substantial, but won’t make a dent to the multi-billion dollar company. CNIL, France’s regulatory authority, justified the size

U.S. marketers respond to Google’s $57 million GDPR fine Read More »

Why first party data should be your first priority

As the impact of GDPR crystallizes, not surprisingly, walled gardens are imposing a new wave of data restrictions on advertisers. Their narrow interpretation of GDPR regulations is limiting agencies access to data, measurement and ad serving. This is triggering advertisers to become increasingly interested in a full view of their digital supply chain and greater

Why first party data should be your first priority Read More »

Blockthrough acquires PageFair, merging two leading anti-adblocking platforms

Blockthrough, which provides software and methods to counter adblocking, has purchased PageFair, which offers similar services. Deal terms were not made public. In the announcement, the two companies emphasized their complementary differences. “The combination of Blockthrough’s proven revenue recovery tools and PageFair’s powerful analytics solution creates the industry’s most comprehensive and effective adblock recovery platform,”

Blockthrough acquires PageFair, merging two leading anti-adblocking platforms Read More »

Company execs could go to jail for misusing data under proposed U.S. data privacy law

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) released a draft of federal privacy legislation on Thursday that would impose harsh penalties on senior executives of companies that misuse consumer data. With fines up to 4 percent of a company’s annual revenue, Wyden’s Consumer Data Protection Act [pdf] mirrors elements of Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which

Company execs could go to jail for misusing data under proposed U.S. data privacy law Read More »

Report: Apple expected to say GDPR a model for US privacy regulation

According to a report from Reuters, Apple CEO Tim Cook will praise the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as a privacy model that the U.S. should emulate. This is according to an early look at prepared remarks that Cook will deliver at a conference of international data protection regulators being held Brussels, Belgium. Other

Report: Apple expected to say GDPR a model for US privacy regulation Read More »

GDPR complaints stack up across the EU as regulators prepare to issue fines

It’s almost five months since Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Although the initial buzz around the sweeping legislation has died down, we’ve seen momentum in the United States toward stricter state data privacy laws such as California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) as well as possible federal legislation. More laws, mean more tools.

GDPR complaints stack up across the EU as regulators prepare to issue fines Read More »

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