Higher education

College Board Ditches ‘Adversity Score’ and Revamps Effort to Give Context to SAT Scores

Leaders of the College Board, which operates the SAT, wants a retest of its effort to help admissions officials understand the relative privilege of test takers. Last year the nonprofit began piloting what it called the Environmental Context Dashboard, a system that assigned a score of 1 to 100 to every student who took the […]

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How to Create a Persona-Driven Content Strategy for Online Education

Developing relevant, timely and evergreen content is a huge task. Higher education is an already competitive market, and online education is hard to advertise without a visible campus. Less visibility makes it difficult for prospects and students to feel part of a wider cohort and harder still for institutions to foster a sense of community.

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10 Textbook Strategies for Social Media in Higher Education

Managing social media in higher education is a unique challenge. At first glance, you would speak to the students attending the school. But a higher education institution is more than that. It’s a community of students, educators, researchers and alumni. Let’s also not forget interacting with prospective students. We’ve previously hosted a webinar with social

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