Implications of the GDPR for marketing in UK and Europe

News Roundup 2nd August 2019

Pinterest’s new shopping features, Twitter’s drag and drop function, GDPR issues for Facebook’s Like button, Twitter’s Q2 growth and Facebook’s streaming aspirations. There have been a few social media updates as platforms release new features and update functionality. Pinterest has launched two new features that put more focus on online shopping rather than social media […]

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News Roundup 12th July 2019

Facebook faces data transfer challenge, British Airways fined for GDPR breach, Facebook is reducing reach of exaggerated health claims and Instagram launching anti-bullying tools This week has seen Facebook facing another challenge over its users’ data and GDPR implications relating to its transfer of data to US servers. British Airways has also received a historic

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Why marketers are upbeat about GDPR one year on [infographic]

A survey has found that 84% of marketers are positive about GDPR The introduction of GDPR in May 2018 was naturally a cause for concern among marketers, and indeed any company handling customer data. In broad terms, the introduction of GDPR means that marketers now have to ask for more explicit consent and be clearer

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Half of US newspapers unavailable from Europe, implications for marketers

A year after GDPR’s introduction, 42% of US news sites flatly block connections from Europe, limiting the potential reach of marketers’ stories. It’s been one year since GDPR was introduced, which should be more than enough time to adapt to the changes. However, some sectors still haven’t adjusted to accommodate the new rules. One key

Half of US newspapers unavailable from Europe, implications for marketers Read More »

5 things to consider when using marketing automation

Business owners must be careful to abide by the laws of various countries when tracking customer data online The internet has erased many international borders when it comes to commerce and interactions. However, business owners must be careful to abide by the laws of various countries when tracking customer data online. Marketing automation is the

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Recent data privacy legislation and the operational impact on digital marketers

A growing patchwork of domestic and international data privacy bills are being rapidly bolstered and enacted Recent data privacy scandals have sharply focused the attention and regulators and lawmakers on big data, ad tech and direct marketing. In response, a growing patchwork of domestic and international data privacy bills are being rapidly bolstered and enacted.

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The ‘GDPR effect’ on email marketing – was it all worth it?

The DMA’s head of insight, Tim Bond, discusses why its research points towards the GDPR having a positive impact on the relationship between consumers and brands Consumer behaviours and preferences are constantly evolving, alongside the rapid pace of technological change. In particular, 2018 saw a number of significant changes to this landscape, not least the

The ‘GDPR effect’ on email marketing – was it all worth it? Read More »

News Roundup 1st February 2019

Facebook sees ad revenues increase year-on-year, Google has new GDPR complaint lodged against it, Facebook “blocks” third-party apps from monitoring political advertisements and Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp set to join forces with combined chat functions This week’s news roundup is fairly Facebook-heavy as the social media platform has been fairly busy. While its ad revenues

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Do businesses need to renew subscription with customers for GDPR?

Are some businesses killing their ability to communicate with customers due to GDPR? GDPR has certainly kicked up a storm in the last few months within the EU. If you haven’t heard about it, or do not know what it is at this time, then I would either be surprised or worried. The concern to

Do businesses need to renew subscription with customers for GDPR? Read More »

GDPR: Example privacy policies and consent forms

Examples of GDPR compliant privacy notices and email opt-in forms We’ve now been covering the implications of the GDPR for marketers and their audiences since 2015 on Smart Insights with many articles contributed by guest experts specialising in privacy law for marketing. Initially, there was a lot of speculation and it was difficult to provide

GDPR: Example privacy policies and consent forms Read More »

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