Internet Advertising

Marketing to the Pink Pound (Dorothy Dollar)

An introduction to the LGBT market, cautions, and advertising examples LGBT, you might ask? LGBT is the acronym for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community—you may also use LGBT+ to be inclusive of additional members of this group. With the acceptance and visibility of people with various sexual orientations and gender-identities having increased and

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Google AdSense Native Ads Could Ultimately Lead to Better Browsing

Advertising is big business. In fact, it represents a substantial 88 percent of Google’s revenue. Until recently, however, the tech giant has stayed away from one lucrative segment in the advertising pie – native ads. But that’s about to change soon. On July 5, 2017, Google announced its AdSense Native ad, a product that would

Google AdSense Native Ads Could Ultimately Lead to Better Browsing Read More »

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