site speed

Create a website with SEO in mind: Technical pointers • Yoast

After a lot of its and buts, you have finally decided to create a website. A personal website for yourself, or that long overdue website for your business. You know you have to think about design and should supply well-written texts. You’ve already been inquiring about that thing called hosting. You may even have called […]

Create a website with SEO in mind: Technical pointers • Yoast Read More »

What is HTTP/2 and how does it benefit SEO?

The HTTP/2 protocol was published in 2015 with the aim of creating a faster, more secure Internet. Adoption has been gradual and is ongoing, but there are clear benefits for marketers who make the upgrade. So what exactly is HTTP/2 and how does it affect SEO? The variety and quantities of information transferred on the

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Why site speed is as important as ever on the visual web

In 2017 there has been a lot of focus around the impending mobile-first index and serving content through HTTPS. But there have also been two other important unfashionable topics lingering in the shadows: cybersecurity and site speed. Since 2010, Google have publicly acknowledged that they take into account page load speed and site speed, and with

Why site speed is as important as ever on the visual web Read More »

SEO for a quality brand • Yoast

A clean entrance On entering the website, we immediately see a clean and inviting homepage. The homepage makes sure visitors can easily navigate to the most important content of the website: the actual products. However, we also see things that can be improved. First of all, we see the slider on top of the homepage.

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Ask Yoast Case study: SEO for architects

In our Ask Yoast case studies we give SEO advice for websites in a specific market or industry. This time: the website of Slemish Design Studio Architects, the business site of an architect duo. The architects told us that they get great responses from their clients, but is their website optimized for search engines as

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Effective SEO Techniques that Work in 2017

UPDATED! One of our most popular in 2016, this post on SEO techniques has been updated to get you ready for a successful 2017!  In today’s rapidly shifting world, SEO techniques can change on a dime—and the worst part is that you might not even know it. Hacks that could have won you a front-page

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How to scale web design to improve page loading speed

You might be thinking, what’s the fuss about website speed? What is important about the average page loading speed? According to Aberdeen Group, a 1-second delay in page load time yields: 11% fewer page views A 16% decrease in customer satisfaction A 7% loss in conversions Amazon reported an increased revenue of 1% for every

How to scale web design to improve page loading speed Read More »

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