wordpress plugins

GDPR: ensuring your website is secure

In the run up to the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), new data shows that 86.5% of WordPress websites in the UK are vulnerable to known hackable exploits. With GDPR now only a month away, businesses across Europe are gearing up for what will potentially be one of the biggest shifts in data privacy

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14 essential WordPress plugins to improve SEO

SEO is often a long and convoluted process which takes time, dedication and expertise. Therefore, anything that can simplify or speed up aspects of a campaign are welcome additions: cue plugins! If your website is hosted on a WordPress CMS, then you are fortunate enough to have access to a plethora of handy plugins. But

14 essential WordPress plugins to improve SEO Read More »

Optimizing Your Website for Speed: We Compare the 6 Best WordPress Caching Plugins

My first article published on AllBusiness was about how to optimize your website for speed. Although website load speed is even more important today than it was years ago, this article will introduce you to the several WordPress caching plugins you can use to speed up your website load. Over the years, I’ve mainly used

Optimizing Your Website for Speed: We Compare the 6 Best WordPress Caching Plugins Read More »

How to add focus to your text with Yoast SEO Insights • Yoast

Your keyword research is done and you know what to write about. Nothing is going to stop you from getting all that traffic with your new articles. But when you start writing your article, you notice it can be hard to keep your text focused. Yoast SEO Premium has a helpful little tool to guide

How to add focus to your text with Yoast SEO Insights • Yoast Read More »

8 tips for boosting the speed of your WordPress site

Chances are you’d not have waited for this page to load had it taken a second or two longer. That’s the truth – users expect web pages to load pretty much as soon as they click on a hyperlink. Slow loading web pages can become the leading cause of high bounce rates, low user engagement,

8 tips for boosting the speed of your WordPress site Read More »

Passive voice checks for French and Spanish • Yoast

Since launching the readability analysis way back when we’ve been steadily adding support for more and more languages. Today, with the release of Yoast SEO 6.2, we’re expanding our knowledge of languages again by introducing passive voice checks for the French and Spanish languages. Improving language checks At Yoast, we firmly believe that readability ranks.

Passive voice checks for French and Spanish • Yoast Read More »

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