
Top 5 WordPress SSL Plugin (Number 2 is Best)

Are you looking for the Best WordPress SSL Plugin to Secure your WordPress Website? Everybody Know that the SSL is the Most Important thing for website security. But the Problem is Some SSL Plugins Works Well But After Reissue Certificate it does not work or It also depends on Hosting. If you are ready to

Top 5 WordPress SSL Plugin (Number 2 is Best) Read More »

WDS and Microsoft 365 Partner Together to Create a Custom AMP Experience

What Is AMP? In short, AMP is an HTML Framework, which helps pages load faster and look better than standard HTML pages. The framework prevents developers from shooting themselves in the foot by having strict coding standards and by requiring all pages to be validated before they can be “Amplified.” If you want to learn

WDS and Microsoft 365 Partner Together to Create a Custom AMP Experience Read More »

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