CBM091817 – chrisbrogan.com

Coffee with Coke Here are the notes from the Chris Brogan Media broadcast for 09/18/17. (You can watch this on my Facebook account).

This live video was all shot using Ecamm Live (client), the best way to do Facebook Live for Mac.

Please note that all links may be affiliate links. If someone is a client, I’ll call that out specifically.

Stories Shared

Voice search is now, but MOST companies aren’t ready. The rise of the personal assistant is a now event. Get prepped.

Evidently there’s tons of cocaine coming into the US but the US Coast Guard says they don’t have enough boats and people.

1984 is here a little late. Can US Border Agents search your phone?

Bring your own everything. This grocery store is aiming for zero waste.

When a huge company buys a company that people think of as independent and scrappy, it’s going to be weird.

More PewDiePie in the news. But this might be more about YOU.

BitCoin can’t get a break lately. Buy now, maybe?

Speaking of, Blockchain is becoming a government strategy point all over the world.

Want to go camping? Now this looks like an awesome option.

When you’re a mega successful Chinese CEO and cool, you can dress up and dance like Michael Jackson at your event.

Coke plus coffee hits Japan.

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