Chris Buckley – MD of Pixel Kicks – on making sure SEO is always front of your mind

So you’ve read this series of articles a dozen times, you’ve made notes, you’ve come up with a detailed plan of action for the next 12 months, and you’re ready to go….. so stick with it and be methodical in your approach.

This is hard work, and you have to be disciplined in order to get results. Don’t give up after one month when you’re not seeing instant improvements.

How should I approach SEO maintenance?

Don’t get bogged down with checking rankings every day. Instead spend your time creating regular content and networking to further strengthen your domain. Certainly keep an eye on rankings, traffic & conversions, but don’t make it an obsession.

Repetition & Rewinding

Repeat the SEO audit every six to 12 months. Things break, content and plugins get updated and – of course – Google updates its algorithms. So repeat the process. Re-audit your site and you might notice a few things that you missed first time around. Start the whole approach again and you might have some new ideas and see how you can make further improvements.

Rank Checking

Don’t focus on too small set of keywords, it might be holding you back. Try widening your list from time to time. Are you a daily or even multiple times per day rank checker? Stop it. It’s not helpful, and isn’t a great use of your time. Go write a blog post instead.
Stuck at number two in the rankings and trying ever so hard to get to number one.

Don’t worry too much, it’s probably not worth it. Rankings can and will fluctuate, and not everybody is presented with the same results. Try spending your time improving other keywords instead.

In Conclusion

SEO isn’t a one-off approach, and you’ll need to carry on working long after you reach the top. Sitting back and drinking in your success is a recipe for disaster if you think your work is done.

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